Saturday, April 12

The End Is Just The Beginning

Oh well,
I wanna mark this day. CKL got married this very day. Not to me. Heck no.

How I felt?
I was rather emo when I heard the news but frankly I got over it. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be. My heart broked and healed ages ago. I couldn't forget the past to face a new future with him. I chosen my path and never regretted my rejection on his request before I started my new life here.

And I am glad I did.

I guess his marriage with the gal just put a finalization of the 'what if?'. A total closure. Period.


  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I'm glad you got through it... I can still remember the days we used to talk about stuff and the drinking sessions we used to have... just missed it as much as you do... muaks... love ya!

  2. Dearest Bin

    You ,of coz, is the gem! What would I do without you. :D

    Been missing you loads and loads. :D HEheh.. Come Brissie Pleaseeee....

    Hugz hugz
