Wednesday, June 18

A Wonderful Birthday

Hap-Hap-Happy Birthday!!

It kinda sucks to have my bday together with my exams. But hey!! I was so touched by all. My dear beloved family and friends.

Biggest surprise was from San. She got me a doggie from Lovlots, Swarovski. It was such a big surprise. I initially thought she had forgotten my birthday and sorta grumble in msn about her forgetting my birthday etc etc only to know an hour later the store called and SURPRISE!! A gift from dear SanSan. I collected from the store itself after the exams was over. She totally knows what I like most. *Hugs*

My family sent stuff over. Thanks to my dear SauSau, mum, dad and everyone. May, Thom and loads..Shirley, Kuan Yee, SherPhy... loads and loads Not forgetting my unimates,the list can go on and on. I am so surprised to recieve their sms and phonecalls.

Haha.. am Loved!

Anyway, Onnie organize a small celebration on the actual day as the following day I have yet another exam. A small simple chinese takeaway and YEY! IceCream Cake!! HAha... Loved it.

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