Tuesday, December 23
Tang Yuen
Monday, December 22
AirAsia to Cathay Pacific
I book AirAsia flight back to Malaysia and instead have Cathay Pacific air flight back to KL. Haha!!!
I booked the flight Airasia flight a couple of months back due to it's cheap fare. It's just a trip or rather a journey to destination. If I can save more.. why not. Getting near the flight date, I found out I lost my booking number and any information that I have to check my flight status. I tried calling the AirAsia hotline but they are in the mist of shifting the call centre hub. No luck at all. So all that I can do is just keep my fingers cross that I 'DID' bought the ticket.
Anyway, when I am at the check-in counter. The lady behind the counter informed that the new airbus that was suppose to operate the flight was late in the delivery. AirAsia hired Cathay Pacific aircraft and their crew to operate the flight instead rather then cancelling the whole flight. So... I got full service and tv on board!! Ha!!!
Even so, with it. I am bored. Drank a few glasses of wine in order to force myself to sleep without any success. The flight was draggy and was delayed. Once landed in KL, the first sign that make me realise that I am in Malaysia is the heat and humidity. The next sign is the toilet in Malaysia. It's always wet!!!!! Arrgghh.... Why issit always WET!!! URgghh...
Anyway I was really tired. I just wanna get out and head back home. Dad picked me up from LCCT airport and drove me back straight Ipoh.
Head over to Tambun House and stayed the night. I only manage to get back to my old house in Alkaf the next dayand only then I trully really felt "home sweeeeettt home".
Haa.. am back home :D
Friday, December 19
The dinner before heading back
Tuesday, December 16
Bake Bake Bake
The baking definitely need to be done in the morning. It can get pretty hot in the afternoon in Brisbane. I hate the heat here in Brisbane. I have to admit summer is my least favorite season over here. Furthermore, the place I am renting now did not have aircondition and the sun glares strongly in the kitchen area in the the afternoon. So its a N-O to be around kitchen in the afternoon.
My parents bought me a microwave oven that includes convection and grill during their visit here. The old oven provided here is not really a good one and baking in the old oven sucks big time. So with the new oven, I decided to get back into baking. Decided to explore more and bake bake bake.
A woosh and it's December
Heck! From a graduand to a graduate now. I am officially a Master graduate in communication. Ha! My parents came over to attend the ceremony and stayed for two whole weeks. :D Time flies really quick. I brought them around Brissie (not that there is much to visit). I miss them now that they are back in Malaysia. Lucky thing, I will be back soon. Another three more days, I'll be eating wanton mee and char koay teow. HahAhah!
Saturday, December 13
My parents and I head over the Mount Tamborine during their visit. We come across Au Vineyard. Haha... can't resist and drop by.
Japanese Manga
Fruits Basket
Sunday, November 30
As my usual Tuesday, I went to VideoEzy to rent DVDs. I came across Serendipity, the movie. I have totally forgotten how amazing this movie it was. I took it and went home.
It was a spectacular movie. On gloves, a book and a five dollar note... those little hints that makes the 'almost' or 'nearly' or 'the mere coincidence'. It gives me a teeny weeny of hope that love is actually true and real... some what simple.
One question : Do we or should we depend and believe in fate and destiny?
Saturday, November 22
Lamington: Birra Burra
Monday, November 17
Ravings on PS2
Friday, November 14
Not really. The results ain't out. However, I have done 3 semester in UQ and will be graduating in December. HA!!
Then.. it's closure.
I'll begin another phase of life.... heading to the work life again.
Plans? zero
Thursday, October 30
You've Got Mail
It really is one of my all time favorite films. I watched it countless times and fell in love deeply everytime I watched it over and over again. I love everything about the movie, from books to daisies. Everything.
I admit and confess that I love chick flick. Nothing beats it. There are quite a few others too that touch my heart over and over again and will never get bored watching:
Ever After, Sleepless in Seattle, While you were sleeping, 10 things I hate about you, Love Actually and Breakfast at Tiffany.
Ah! Simply amazing. They just don't do movies like it used to.
Monday, October 27
Another thing about Australia
Please, anyone, do remind me to grab a bottle in the supermarket when I am back Malaysia and let me eat my heart out on this one. Hmm. I think telling my dearest SouSou will do best.
But then again... the bread ain't that superb in Malaysia as over in Australia. Sighz. Life just ain't fair somtimes. Never a complete perfection. But what the heck.. its imperfection makes it wonderful to live in.
Ha... my peanut butter and jelly...
Monday, October 20
Am plain lazy. Can't keep up with the blog updates or issit just that there is nothing much for me to blog anymore... Life is happy.
Monday, September 29
The struggle
If anyone told me PostGrad is that stressful, I would not opt for it at all. Not that I regretted it fully. But it is just so hard. I find myself struggling and perhaps my mental capability has come to a full stop. No more input and even any output either.
Everything is so self independant. No one to discuss and talk to about the assignments. No one to seek for advise. No one to help you out. Not forgetting the solidarity that one will feel when doing the damn-ed assignments.
This coming 10 weeks will be even tougher. I just can't wait to let the days flies till december. Yet at times, it is contradictory. I wanted the time to slow down for me to grasp and catch up on the time and focus on my assignments.
I knew that I am in trouble. Gosh! What a deep trouble I am in. I started to have thoughts to quit this semester and fuck it all up. Not wanting to care about it. This definitely is not a good sign, but heck, I hate it so much.
I find myself daydreaming and lost in thoughts. I just wanna fly away from all this. My mum once told me that I stay in my own imaginary world at times and day dreams my days away. I never realize it. I guess she is right. Whenever I am facing difficulty, I will start mentally drifting away, not wanting to face the reality. I let the time flies and wishing the unwanted days to pass by.
Wake me up in December. Please.
Thursday, September 11
The townhouse is just perfect for two. It consists of a small living, a modest dining room and sensible kitchen. Attach is a laundry room and ensuite next to it. The next level has 2 bedrooms and a toilet. It is just perfect. Our lil quaint home is just perfect for me.
I fell in love with this place.
The moving was tiring. Lucky thing, loads of people help out. I do not know what we will do without them. They are May, Alex, James and Kelvin. They help us a big deal on Saturday with the moving and collecting some new furniture and white goods. *PhEw*
I forgot to mention. Not only a new place (rented) but also a new car!! Mitsubishi Lancer. WooHhoOoo!! I am officially the proud owner of the car along with it a GPS is necessary too.
Thursday, August 28
Bird : The Troublemaker?
Oh well... I DO hate birds.
Today is the day I took the bus to uni. Some days I took the ferry to uni, some days I took the bus. It depends where my classes is located. It takes a rough 10 minutes walk from one side of uni to the other.
Walking to the bus stop from my unit takes less then 5 minutes walk but gosh, I was blocked by birds. As I was walking along the walk path, one bird was struggling (or playing) with the wings flapping here and there in between branches of the tree above me. It makes loads of noises that is hard for me to bear. I got scared and started to run. I was already cursing about the bad start of the day and that was not all.
There is a small and tight pathway that lead towards the bustop from the walkpath. I saw another bird walking along that particular pathway. I stopped walking. Heck, what kind of bird that prefer to walk rather then fly. There it is, taking his own sweet time to walk along the small pathway and it hinders me to walk pass the bird. The bird was not even searching for food or anything. I must say that the bird is just taking his own sweet time 'walking' along the pathway. I have no idea why the bird was there, why the bird 'walk' and why the bird was there 'walking' at the path when I happen to be there!
I seriously have the phobia of birds. I started to imagine the "what ifs" if I happen to walk pass him to get to the bus stop. Will he attack me with his claws, his wings, his pecks?? Jugding and contemplating, I decided to take another path to head towards the bus stop. A longer route and as I was taking the longer route, the bus came and went. I miss the bus.
HECK! I curse and swear. What in the world did I do to the birds? Why do they keep bothering me?
I was late to uni again.
Monday, August 25
Weekend Class
Hell! It was stressful. I am the only asian in the class plus the only one without any working experience, at least in managerial post.
The subject, I believe, is a MBA course and somehow it linked to Communication Courses. It is one of my electives that I took and applied to get into the course. There aren't many subjects available for me this semester and I seriously am reluctant to take another marketing course. So here I am attending this subject.
The assesment criteria is hard enough. A report to be hand in next week on a review of top 10-15 journal articles on change management, a research report on an organization regarding it's changes and finally an exam at the end of the semester.
I struggle to be attentive in class as only 4 students. The prof is well knowledgeable and experienced which make things even harder. It is not the same as any lecture class, instead towards a more converstional interaction class where everyone need to contribute and talk. Boy! Was is stressful. I am not a talkative type of student in class. I am more the quiet one's that hide behind and leave once the class is over. I can't do that in such a small class.
I am just glad the first weekend is over. There is another weekend to attend on end september. Arghh..dragging it.
Thursday, August 21
The Struggle
I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. I blame the cold winter and the gloomy weather. Technically, I woke up at 8am but time flies when you are in between dreams and reality. The reluctant to get out of bed and the will to be early to class and grab a hot cuppa flat white. While contemplating and struggling, judging the pros and cons and tossing and turning about on bed, its already 9.30am.
I was late... again... to class.
I have no afternoon or evening class this semester. I find it a big struggle to get out of bed.
Help me.
Monday, August 18
Last Semester
I might add, this semester is the hardest among all. I am literally studying in week2 which I myself find it somewhat ridicule. I can't wait till I graduate end of this year.
My graduation date is on 3rd December. My parents will be coming for the graduation. That is IF I manage to pass this last semester.
Classes that I am taking this semester is Research Project, Qualitative Business Research Method, Leadership and Change Management and lastly, Social and Communication Change.
All the subjects I've chosen is rather challenging. At least to me. I have never taken any of the topics before. It is definitely a tough semester. I am keeping my fingers cross to get past this semester.
Friday, August 15
Moving... yet again
I will miss this place. We did have some happy memories in this place. Parties, gatherings, games and dinners organized in 170 unit. The place is fantastic. Strategic location, amazing view of the city, not forgetting its convenience. It only takes like less then half an hour to uni or city by public transport.
Despite all this, I can't wait to leave. Occurance of recent episodes gives valid reasons for me wanting to leave this unit badly.
Onnie and I are lucky. We found this amazing place at Greenslopes. We will officially move in on 30th August. A two bedroom townhouse with one lockup garage and a small garden. There is a bus stop right at the back of the garden. The supermarket is just nearby and the hospital is just a stone throw away. It is obviously further travel to the UQ. Further away from our close friends. However,
I can't wait.
Of course, this new allocation means extra expenses. The truck, the cleaning, the furnitures etc etc etc. Overlooking all this, I am so anxious of the new environment and life. I trully am looking forward to this.
Tuesday, July 29
Thursday, July 24
SherPhy's Second Visit
She is just terrific. Sher Phy will always be the Sher Phy I know. We had loads and loads of fun. I'll let the picture to the judgement.
Once she arrived at Hilton, I came over to pick her up. I packed her a Dinner Box. She came down from room and rush into the car and had her dinner in the car. We rush over for Bowling game. It was really rush but heck, it was damn hilarious and fun. I'll try put up a video clip of SherPhy bowling later on. We had 3 games and it was already midnight. Supper time calls. We had DimSum for supper. It did not end there, we head home and had red wine and cathicng up for a nightcap.
The next day, we head out to Sirromet Winery near Brisbane. We had wine tasting and scones for tea.
After the winery, we went back home and rest to get ready for the night. We head over to Kelvin's place for a Steamboat and Korean BBQ. We had a surprise for Sher Phy. It's her Birthday on 21 July. I celebrated her birthday 2 days earlier. Gosh she was really surprised. She manage to eat her dinner before we fetch her back before her call time for her flight.
Her visit is TOO short. I had a wonderful time with her. So I wonder, when will my other friends be coming over to visit me?
Kite Runner
This book is on shelf for quite some time. I was rather reluctant to read it at first. The synopsis of the back cover did not really draw my interest. I was wrong.
I head to Borders a couple weeks ago.I have to say I got this very book because of the 3 for 2 deal. I grab the book and give it a go. I read it last monday. It took my one day to finish the book. I could not let it down. I was so engross with it. Sunggled up under the duvet on the rainy cold Monday, I read the book straight from dawn till dusk.
I know the movie was out for rental. On tuesday (cheap rent day), I went to get a copy. I just finish watching it. I woke up and called up the uni to check on my class. It was canceled. A rainy cold morning. What's more to do. I grab the dvd and watch it.
The readings is stil very fresh in my memory. I must say, nothing beats a book compared to a movie. The reads are so descriptive and emotionally drawn that a movie will have have its effect on. Not that I do not enjoy the movie. Just that the book give me such an impact that movie never will.
I am glad I read the book.
Wednesday, July 23
Wednesday, July 16
Mid July
The holiday just fly by before I know it. I am busy with the PR application. It's a handful. Lots of information. Information that I forgotten. Information that I din even think its relevant is needed. For instances, address in Singapore. Gosh. My memories on my Singapore days are to the minimum. I basically just remember bits and pieces. Mostly on days spent with Shirley, Tracy, KH and Bai... the happy moments in Singapore. That's about it. SIA is totally another different subject altogether.
Other then that, my life is basically lying around in bed. It's a thing I can do pretty well, especially during the rainy, winter season. Lying in bed needs skills. You can't lay and laze around in bed too long as it might make the rest of your day horrendous with headaches and grumpiness. It just need to be the exact dose.
My last semester will begin next week. Time do fly. Pretty quick at times. Before knowing, it is my final semester for my Master. It's a struggle as usual to enrol on the subjects that I wanted. Scratching my head out on the matter. Sighz.. the norm every beginning of the semester.
All I am looking forward now is a cuppa nice warm drink. Gotta go. Ciao
Tuesday, July 1
Too much of sleep
Seriously. Too much. It gives me headache.
Too much time on hand during weekdays as most of my friends are basically working, I tend to sleep. Sleeping is definitely the best way to kill time. I tried watching drama series. I can finish one whole season within 2 days. There is of coz a price to pay. It causes headache and eye strain too.
Arghh... the worst is this headache is killing me. I wanted to sleep off this headache but it ain't helping as the reason of the headache is because of sleeping too much. It's a controversy issue that I need to deal with.
Sunday, June 29
A Hike on Sunday
Ha! Woke up really early. At 7am and head to Mapleton and went for the great walks over at the north side of brisbane did the trick. Of course, the walk would not do any justice for all the crime that I overindulge myself on Saturday. The point here is to have a great walk and f.u.n.
Saturday, June 28
Full Meals on a Saturday
I head to Sunnybank for Taiwan Breakie. I had soy milk and mee suah. Yummy Yummy to the brim. Another one of my favorites is : 'fantuan' that consist of glutinous rice wrapped with you tiao, pickled mustard and pork. It’s chewy and crunchy at the same time, and I love them. I also loved the egg tart that we bought near by. Gosh.
For lunch, five of us head down to Portside and had Japanese Lunch. It's perfect. Nice environment. I've never been there before. I always head to the Sono in the city but first time to Portside. The view is amazing and the food is as always - yummy. I had myself a Bento Set. It's rather pricy lunch but totally worth it. I sincerely regret to take some photos of the amazing bento set and the view at portside. I, as usual cannot resist the tempatation and gobble it all up forgetting the camera which is in my bag.
For tea time, we went back sunnybank to buy some groceries while Onnie went to do his Haircut. May and I could not resist the temptation of Ice Milk Tea. Ha! Perfect-O!
Saturday dinner. Ha! We had another gathering at our house. We made Dumplings!! It's was fun fun fun. May cooked Yam with Sago Desert and Fried Prawn Balls. Grace made dumplings for all of us. Me? I helped here and there, nibbling here and there, kepoh here and there.
If you are wondering, Yup! My tummy is getting rounder and my thighs is getting bigger. Ha! I will be doing exercizes soon.. Oh well.. Soon..
Saturday, June 21
Next semester I'll loosen up and focus only when I needed to... under pressure.
Anyway, dun bother. All come to an end. I am free for a month or so. Totally free. I decided to pick up back my cycling and exercizing that I stopped for 2 months for my f***ing studies. I will focus on my Japanese and Chinese as well and read my beloved books. Oh. I will do some baking too.
Friday, June 20
Korean BBQ
Wednesday, June 18
A Wonderful Birthday
It kinda sucks to have my bday together with my exams. But hey!! I was so touched by all. My dear beloved family and friends.
Biggest surprise was from San. She got me a doggie from Lovlots, Swarovski. It was such a big surprise. I initially thought she had forgotten my birthday and sorta grumble in msn about her forgetting my birthday etc etc only to know an hour later the store called and SURPRISE!! A gift from dear SanSan. I collected from the store itself after the exams was over. She totally knows what I like most. *Hugs*
My family sent stuff over. Thanks to my dear SauSau, mum, dad and everyone. May, Thom and loads..Shirley, Kuan Yee, SherPhy... loads and loads Not forgetting my unimates,the list can go on and on. I am so surprised to recieve their sms and phonecalls.
Haha.. am Loved!
Anyway, Onnie organize a small celebration on the actual day as the following day I have yet another exam. A small simple chinese takeaway and YEY! IceCream Cake!! HAha... Loved it.
Wednesday, June 11
It's My day!!!
Haha.. Happy Happy Happy!!
Gosh!There is so many mishaps happening this few weeks plus I was busy with my studies on my exams. I am not really in the 'mood'... until today! Everything turns out 'alrite-o'!!!
First of all, my delivery from Victoria Secret arrive. My first online shopping!! Love it loads. Of coz, it's sorta like my bday pressie from Onnie!! I got new sleepwears, a few pants and tops and undies!! HAhA!! Cool eh!! It's on sale and it's totally worth it. Not forgetting a wonderful bag for my bday from Onnie!
My result on the tedious course was out(the one I have been blogging constantly about). The result is not that impressive but totally much much more than I expected. :D. I score a 64.4& and it is 0.6% to get a GPA 5. I emailed the lecturer and ask to confirm if I would get a 5. He replied today and say YES!!HAHA.. Another big thing that I should be happy about.
O!! O!! And finally my laptop. Did I mention I have some milo spillage onto my laptop and my keypad was not working??(I din dare mention to korkor, he has always been complaining on my mishandling on laptop). While I was doing some intensive search as I do not want my family to know, I realize that korkor actually take the full warranty that even cover spillage (he bought the laptop for me and he must have known that I am prone to accidents!! Hmmpph).I finally manage to call the servicing counter from Dell and they came up to my place and got it fix!! It took likes 3 minutes to change and TADAHHH!!
Everything is back to norm!!And it's just 1 pm.
HA!! MY DAY!! I am so extremely happy I can't concentrate on my studies anymore. My patience to wait for a bright chirpy day has arrived. I know and realize that mishaps and sad encounter will happen but it is just how you manage the situation and in the end, the reward will be impressive and totally appreciated and worthwile waiting for.
HUGZ. I know this is lame.. but heck!! Life is beautiful..even during it's down moment!!
Thanks to the divine above.
Tuesday, June 3
Nightmare Runaway
I had this very very extremely creepy nightmare the other night. I can’t really remember much just bits and pieces of it. The dream was extremely terrifying. All I remembered is that my very own room in 170/7 Land st is occupied by something else other than me. The weather over here ain’t helping too. It’s been raining nonstop for like 5 days and cold too. It just add on to the eeriness of the whole thing. It’s just weird.
Anyway, I occupy my daytime (when no one is at home) in the library now. At least, hanging out in the library left me nothing to do except to read on my notes for exams which is a good thing, I guess. So am in library from 8am till 7 pm. HA! Obviously! Surprisingly!
Saturday, May 31
A Sat at library
So here I am am. Of coz, I head to Merlos on the secondfloor to get my wake up booze. A flat white and a toaster ham and cheese croissant. It is definitely a good breakie. So here I am still reluctant to get on with my studies. Ended up blogging.
Ha! Perhaps a dinner gathering tonight for a Korean style bbq tonight. Hmm.. Sounds wonderful! Will see! Will see. Need to get back on my reads now. Sighz. I have two more exams both weight 40% of my total marks for the subject. Worse is that the exams took place during one on my birthday and another is on the following day. How suckie is that!
Counting the days till am free again. Hopefully I get the permission from my mum to head back M’sia after the exam. I initially will only plan to head back home at the end of this year but I miss home so much. Sighz. So am kinda like asking if it’s wise of me to head back for a month during the break. Hmmm.. will see how it goes.
Friday, May 30
A good night after..

The best night for weeks. As spending time with assignments after assignments, I finally had a good night in.
Rented a movie '27 Dresses' and had a large mediteranean pizza at the Toowong joint takeaway after my evening jap class yesterday was totally amazing plus the rainy cold weather... a night in with hot pizza, coke and a good movie. That is a BLISS!
Oh! Did I mention I absolutely adore Katherine Heigl. FullStop.
Tuesday, May 27
Assignment Struggle Done.. for the semester
Doing postgrad is a struggle here. Sighz. If I knew better, I woulda work harder on my undergrad and not to rely too much on my friends. Err... NAH! Haha. I love the moments during my undergrad, having loads of friends to help me out with my assignments.
Just that, this time round, I have to do things from scratch. No one helps me out.. not even on journal search, not even helping me out on excel or words. HahA! Penny, Jannelle! I am rather good with it dy! Amazing leh! I know how to put captions and stuff etc etc using microsoft word and I figure it out myself (that is spending hours searching for it.....&^*%^*%). Doing assignments just ain't that easy as in undergrad.
I think I seriously chose a wrong subject this sem. It's Media, Culture and Ideology. Believe me when I say, I have NO IDEA what's it about and absolutely no F***ing idea why we need to know this. I have been studying Althusser, Bourdieu, Hall, Gramsci and etc etc. I have no idea what is the whole idea behind learning ideology and discourses. I am so lost in this subject and of coz, I just manage to survive with very very lil marks of survival. I just hope I will pass this subject. Please Help Pray!
Anyway, it's all done.
Just two more exams in Mid June.
Wednesday, May 14
Le Petit Prince
"On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux"
(It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye)
Saturday, May 10
Wednesday, May 7
Socks in Negoitation
Sunday, May 4
Float On By Ben Lee
Just went everything seems bleak. The song is rectifyingly refreshing and boost up my optimism.
Sunday, April 27
How to be a GOOD house guest
1- Settle on a time frame
2- Avoid surprises
3- Offer a house gift
4- Commit the perfect crime in the bathroom
5- Contribute
6- Defer to your hosts
7- Don't be a big disruption
8- Be cool
9- Respect the house
10- Say thank you
For more info: http://au.askmen.com/fashion/how_to_250/260_how_to.html
There. The norm rules that everyone should follow. I think what they forgotten to add, which is the MOST important is : Come only when invited. If not, at least try get yourself invited.
Mind you, uninvited guest is really annoying. Worse is when they call to ask "if" they can come into your house, when they are "literally" infront of your house. SO why bother calling.
Don't get me wrong. I love in-house dinners and parties with friends as long as I invited them to come. Surprise drop by's is also fine by me but unwanted and overstayed guests can sometimes be rather annoying. Worst will be when guest frequented and showing up the house every weekend as if treating the house as a 'weekend sanctuary' is bit way too much.
Gosh. It just happen.
ps. this does not apply to family members
Saturday, April 26
Me, Eli and San
*Peace* and *Smile*
I got the photo from Eliza a few days ago. The photo was taken during Jacqui's wedding in January this year. I miss hanging out with SanSan And Eli so so much. I din get the chance to spend as much time as I wanted with them. So am keeping my fingers cross that they will come to Australia end of this year.
*Fingers Crossing*
Wednesday, April 23
Assignment Nightmare
The e-mail mentioned that I "technically" plagarised on my essay but taking into consideration it's not intentional and more towards carelessness and mis-quoted. He initially wanted to see me on Tuesday which he canceled the class due to some accident along the way to uni. He is willing to let me re-submit my assignment next week with the correct citations and such.
I, of course, was rather sad and rather moody the whole day. I keep on wondering what and how I manage to plagarised so terribly and was my paper that bad. I was already having such headache on this course and this worsen the matter. This course is rather art and literature base as its under the School of English, Media Studies and Art History. I am kinda struggling to get into all the literature base reads.
As told by the lecturer, I downloaded their Assignment Style sheet (which I should done earlier) and read it. Only to realise what a mistake I made. While I was doing my assignment, I documented all the quotes and citation using Harvard Style. It was definitely wrong. The School have their own guidelines on presentation of assignments. The School use MLA style which is totally different.
I am so ignorant and careless. My degree is allocated to various schools and each school have different styles of referencing. I totally did not check on this school and just assume it's Harvard Style they use. The MLA required more detail quotes and style differently and all sort of other details.
I am now rather glad the lecturer give me another chance to re-do my wrong. At least I understand how careless I am without loosing unecessary marks. Nonetheless, that does not mean I did well on the assignment and I fully understand what this course is about.
*SighZ* I can't wait to get finish and done with this course. I should not take it in the first place. I was being 'seduced' by the assesment as there is a 15% for attendance and participation on class. I was like, Good! that should do it but Heck NO. I was conned. I never knew this course was THIS difficult.
Tuesday, April 22
Missing Assignment
This is really something I drag to happen. AND IT DID.
There is one particular subject that I am struggling to understand. My course subject is Ideology, Media and Culture. I finish one assignment of the subject and have no idea what’s this subject is all about.
I am kinda eager to get the result so I could proceed to the next assignment on the same course which is due next week. The second assignment is rather related to the first one. The first assignment is on Discourses and the second is on Discourses and Media with certain issues ( I dun wanna go too detailed on it.. it will drag on and on). Anyway, it’s rather vital for me to know how I did on the first assignment so I will know that I sorta understand the subject and I am able comprehend it correctly.
The assignment and results finally can be collected in the office today. My assignment is NOT there. F***. It’s NOT there.
To make things worse, the lecturer met an accident today. He was suppose to have tutorial with us and was canceled. Last week, he was sick and all the classes were canceled. It’s like there are loads of mishaps or cosmic conspiracy in this course. I e-mailed him straightaway and hoping he will reply me asap. But heck, he has a twisted ankle and knee. I wonder if he will check his email? *Keeping my fingers cross on this one*
Which means it could only be:
- My assignment was lost after marking the paper and on the way to the office.
- My assignment was lost before marking the paper (this will be hell).
- My assignment was WAY too bad and needed to be on HOLD so he could see me directly and discuss (Arghh!).
- My assignment was sent to check if there is any plagiarism in my essay and was caught and I will be exile from UQ.
I hate this kinda thing. I am coming out with possibilities. Heck, this proof how worried I am. I am supposed to spend time on my assignments and here I am typing away on the blog.
Where is my fucking assignment? How am I being able to be at EASE and remain CALM? HOW?
Monday, April 21
Alone at 170
The guys went out for their Badminton Games. Their game starts at 9.30 till 11pm. They are really getting the Badminton Craze. They are always 'ONs' in Badminton which I will never get to know why even. I don't wanna know either, understanding guys is a difficult task that I don't wanna get myself into.
Anyway, here I am alone in the room. Frankly, I dislike being alone at home at night, which is not very frequent. When I am alone, I refrain going out from my warm cozy room and stuck myself infront of my lappie.
Here I am, trying to get someone to msn with. I can't. I can't find someone who will just keep me 'company' when I am doing my assignment. Seriously, I hate being alone at home at night, even a msn chat to accompany will do. I scroll down the list in my Msn Messenger. I have 34 contacts who is online currently and there is no one that I can actually ask for their 'companionship' online. How bazaar is that? I need someone who I can rely and chat that I dun even need to worry too much on my messenging and rather concentrate on my journal readings for my assignment.
Where is Piggie, Where is SanSan, Where is Bin, Where is HooiLing, Where is Penny, Where is Janelle, Where is Grace, Where is Shirley, Where is Jesse, Where is Kmei, Where is Jasmine, Where is ....
Oops.. Penny is online now. She is here to save the day. *Hugzz*
Ciao. Need to continue with my journal reads with Penny's "company".
Friday, April 18
I got a surprise.
A pot and a small packet of seeds.
Oh well, this will be my fist potted plant that I seeded myself. A proud one. Oh, I have no idea what the plant is. It's a surprise. So I'll keep update on what flower it will turn out to be.
I never knew I had it in me, cooking and planting. I guess it's because I am too bored over here. But Hey! Look at the outcome: I cook and I garden.
Tuesday, April 15
Sunday, April 13
Down Memory Lane
Cyndi was my team girl in SQ. We were team girls for two years during my flying years. She was in Brisbane two weeks ago. We manage to meet up for the afternoon while she was here.
We were somewhat close to each other. We use to bunk in alot and had some pretty crazy time (drinking and all sorts). Frankly, she did not change much. She is still the Cyndi I knew. She is still flying and still shop like crazy.
I caught up with the lotsa new news of my ex-team mates. The updated information of our groups, what's hip and happening in the gossip column in SQ. Mind you, Cyndi is sometimes quite bitchy and do look bit bitchy too (although she is real nice once you get to know her... just don't step on her tail... it will be pretty ugly...). She knows the ups and downs around SQ. She was my gateway to gossips in SQ last time. Keke. We also talked about the past. Gosh, she do have pretty good memory. There are some stuff I pratically forgotten and we did have a couple of good laughs reminicing about the past.
Somehow I do miss the flying years. After we hugged and said goodbye, I head back. I can't help but wondered what I will become if I am still flying? Have I changed alot since then?
One thing for sure, I am damn glad I moved on...

Photo taken using PC camera in Hilton Hotel, 25 Mar 08
Of coz, I can't help it and always like to ask friends to come over and had steamboat especially since its getting colder this few days.
We had a blast. The food was good, the people is great and most important, everyone is having a good time. After the steamboat, we had Ice Cream with home-made choc cake for dessert (nah, I din manage to get any steamboat pix, too carried away eating... as usual...).
We continue the night with some normal games such as Connect Four and Jenga with a bit of liqour and lots of laughter.