Saturday, June 21


I finally finish my second semester. One more to go to finish up and face the world. Truth be told, I studied harder than before and turn out the result is worse than last semester. If I only knew. I think I work well under pressure. Seriously. This semester I carefully plan all my schedule and followed accordingly to the plan, sticked to it and seriously spend 3 weeks to study on 2 subjects. Heck! It's useless. The more well planned it is, the more worse the result turn out to be. I totally need to work under pressure to get good grades.
Next semester I'll loosen up and focus only when I needed to... under pressure.


Anyway, dun bother. All come to an end. I am free for a month or so. Totally free. I decided to pick up back my cycling and exercizing that I stopped for 2 months for my f***ing studies. I will focus on my Japanese and Chinese as well and read my beloved books. Oh. I will do some baking too.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:04 PM

    poor thing... some times luck counts in too... I haven't forgotten you at all, and really do missed our time together... look forward to my trip to brisbane ok... might be a surprise!!! muaks muaks!!!
    ps. I'll be staying with you there... hahahaha... so onnie might need to sleep alone for a few days... hahahaha... sorry onnie!
