Wednesday, February 13

New Year

When I was young, the first thing comes in mind during Chinese New Year is Angpow. Of coz, along with food, new cloths, relatives, soda, mandarins and lots more.


It's totally different. The meaning of Chinese New Year is different.

I find myself gettting more and more embaressed getting angpow as years pass by. Gosh! I rather not recieve any angpow. It's like a bell ringing. TiMesUp!!! Relatives will start asking when are you getting married, etc etc. Gosh! Goodness Sake, I rather not get any angpow if that follows with such question.

New Year means lotsa work. Getting ready for the food. Heck no. It's not that simple. It's stressful. Oh well, maybe only to me. No! I did not cook. I am just a helper. Doing odds and ends but it's more than enough for me to handle.

New Year does not mean new cloths anymore. When I was young, I was always eagerly anticipating for the first new year so I can wear my beatiful NEW cloths. Not so anymore. I do not have the eagerness on new cloths.

New Year brought a different meaning to me now. Focusing more towards spending time with the families and relatives. Heck! I was so freaking tired during the day, I seldom go out to meet my friends at night. I can say that I can't even find time to meet my friends much. I was either too tired or too occupied with my family. As I mentioned on my earlier post, as long as my parents are happy. I am happy. fullstop.

Sometimes I just wish I have a bit more time to spend with my friends though. I miss them. I did not see enough of them. Heck. I'll be leaving on Sunday. Heck.

There is one thing that will not change on new year.
Oh food. New Year means lots of good food. Gosh. I was so sad as two days before the New Year, my teeth was in pain everytime I bite/chew/grunch (the dentist work of torture). So on the New Year's eve, my mum took me to a govt dentist (first time) as all the other dentist was close on eve. I must say I am quite impress. The govt dentist did a good job. He re-did the infill of my teeth and all was well again. I can eat with full force. Boy! Am I glad.

FOOD is GOOD during new year.

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