Saturday, February 23
First trip to uni for 2008
It's definitely hot for a start. Too freaking hot for me even for the walk to take the bus. A rough 5 minute walk seems like an hour. The waiting for bus was even worse. The sun is shining directly at the bus stop, leaving me a tiny spot under a tree for shed.
I arrived the uni. Nothing change much. Everything is the same. I am back. I sorta miss it. Not that I have much fond memories but I really do miss it. It sure is busy though. The beginning of the semester.
I manage to head to the student centre for part-time work application visa and manage to get more information on the stuff I have enquiries on. I had to walk from one side of the uni to another. Gosh! The walk was suffocating under the sun. Arggh.. I was swearing away on the walk. I come to realize, I use to complain that the previous uni I attended (utar) was rather small and here I am complaining UQ was too big. One won't ever get satisfied.
Oh well. I finally manage to get things done. That's most important.
Friday, February 22
Chap Goh Meh
It's Chap Goh Meh. Kok Chiang korkor invited Onn and I to their house for dinner. Food was superb. How lucky am I to have relatives in Brisbane... Oh well, sorta relative. My sisinlaw's bro. The best part was SauSau (KokChiang's wife) gave me Chili Belacan. A small bottle of it. I am so so so happy. YEy!! I must say that the chili belacan is the best. We also had ribs, noodles, fish, chix, greens and keropok. *YuMmY*
Past few days was also a bliss. Onn's parents is here. Naturally, we went out to had our meals plus I did not have time to do grocery, there is not even a handful of rice in the house. I will just have to wait till weekends to do the shopping. I ate loads of good food. Japanese, Seafood, Steak, Thai. MuAHhAha.
It'S All So YumMmy To My TummY!
ps. I got a bit of problem here.. nothing serious. Just that I frequented the toilet for poopoo usually past midnight. Sighz.. wat is wrong with me.
Can't stand it. Poo Poo time.
Wednesday, February 20
Throughout my life, I never though about my old age. That is until recently.
My grandma. She is getting rather forgetful and along with that comes with disputes within daughterinlaws and her childrens that I do not want to ponder into. My aunt came back from England and set out a few options for my grandma's life and one of them was retirement home.
My visits to various old folks home was an eye opener to me. Some homes are terrible. Some are clean and proper. Some are just for money making institute. I come to see a few good ones though, which frankly, I dun mind to live there on my own when I am old ( it might be to soon to make judgement on that anyway).
I started to think of my older days. How and what will I become of? There is still much more things that I have not do. There is still so many phases of life that I have not face. I guess, fate and my destiny will take into control on that.
Monday, February 18
Back in Brisbane
Am back.
Gosh! I will miss my family SO SO SO MUCH.
I know I have said it a thousand and millions and zillions time but they are trully the best that one could ask for.
I will miss them.
They drove me from Ipoh to the airport just to say goodbye. I felt heavy. I wanted them to be with me always. forever. I gulped my tears and walk towards the immigration with full gratitude of what they have given me.
Saturday, February 16
CJ 7 and lotsa wishes fulfilled
On high request. I ask my mum out for a date to the movie :D I must say this is the best movie from Stephen Chow. It's totally my type of movie. Full laughter and teenyweeny tear, most important part: Happy Ending.
The movie was superb. The kid was marvelous. The alien is amazingly adorable too. Ha.. I wish I can watch it all over again.
Of coz, my mum fulfilled me loads of wishes before I left to Brissie for the year. She specifically bring me for dimsum, ate my favorite noodles, head to Italiamia and bake choc walnut cake. Dad, he ordered loads of yummy food, make sure I was all prepared and all the small stuff that makes my heart melt. Hooi Ling, my ahSou, she cooked petai! Yey!! All my dear dear friends and relatives... Am so blessed :D It's not so much on the wishes but the tiny stuff they made me that touched my heart.
Aweee.... I will miss them so much
Friday, February 15
New Laptop

As for MacBook, it will have to wait till I start earning my own money.
As for my new lappie! It is so cool. My kor ordered a bigger batt, along with it have media direct ( you can straightaway use the media w/o logging in to Windows. The coolest is the fingerprint scanner. HehE.. Nope I haved not use it. It apparently cannot read my figer. Oh well, am damn proud of it.
Wednesday, February 13
New Year
It's totally different. The meaning of Chinese New Year is different.
I find myself gettting more and more embaressed getting angpow as years pass by. Gosh! I rather not recieve any angpow. It's like a bell ringing. TiMesUp!!! Relatives will start asking when are you getting married, etc etc. Gosh! Goodness Sake, I rather not get any angpow if that follows with such question.
New Year means lotsa work. Getting ready for the food. Heck no. It's not that simple. It's stressful. Oh well, maybe only to me. No! I did not cook. I am just a helper. Doing odds and ends but it's more than enough for me to handle.
New Year does not mean new cloths anymore. When I was young, I was always eagerly anticipating for the first new year so I can wear my beatiful NEW cloths. Not so anymore. I do not have the eagerness on new cloths.
New Year brought a different meaning to me now. Focusing more towards spending time with the families and relatives. Heck! I was so freaking tired during the day, I seldom go out to meet my friends at night. I can say that I can't even find time to meet my friends much. I was either too tired or too occupied with my family. As I mentioned on my earlier post, as long as my parents are happy. I am happy. fullstop.
Sometimes I just wish I have a bit more time to spend with my friends though. I miss them. I did not see enough of them. Heck. I'll be leaving on Sunday. Heck.
There is one thing that will not change on new year.
Oh food. New Year means lots of good food. Gosh. I was so sad as two days before the New Year, my teeth was in pain everytime I bite/chew/grunch (the dentist work of torture). So on the New Year's eve, my mum took me to a govt dentist (first time) as all the other dentist was close on eve. I must say I am quite impress. The govt dentist did a good job. He re-did the infill of my teeth and all was well again. I can eat with full force. Boy! Am I glad.
FOOD is GOOD during new year.
Monday, February 11
The best!
- HooiLing's mum specially ask HooiLing to bring back some for me
- The soup is thick
- The flavor is just nice. Sourish and Spicy to trigger my taste bud to the max
- The noodles fantastic
- The onions and cucumber at the right portion
I have not manage to try a good bowl of Laksa this trip. Haha! As if aunty read my mind for my craving of Laksa before I head back to Brisbane. HAhAha... Seriously, the thought of me already made it taste Super Duper Yummy but the truth is it's really really really yummy for my tummy.
Although I had to share some out to my family. Not that I mind, good food is for sharing. Just for my family though. Gosh! All knows I dun like to share when it comes to food unless there is more then enough. Onnie should know better.
I remembered the time when my mum ask Hpei to bring a few pieces of 'Chu Loong Beng' to Brisbane for me. A type of cookie that was eaten during Mooncake festival. Oh well, I like the chewy and the fragance of the biscuit. I actually did not even offer to him and he knows. He keep pestering me just for the sake of it. I had my stand. What's mine IS mine when it comes to my favorite food.
Oh well. I had a good bowl of Laksa. Satisfaction. Fulfilment.
As usual, all the yummy food is bad for my weak tummy. I have a gastric background, taking things too spicy and sour will weaken my tummy and now I am in pain.
Heck NO! I will never have enough of it. Gimme more Laksa! I will bear the tummy ache with open arms!
Thanks to Aunty (Hooiling's mum)
Sunday, February 10
7 More Days
Another 7 more days I'll be back to Brisbane.
I have to admit that as much as I am looking forward to go back, I am reluctant to go. I already miss my family. I know, I have been doing some complaining even got real upset on certain issues. But that is what makes up a family,eh?What kind of family that does not have it?
I wanted to stayput. I wanted to help out more, especially on my parents. They are getting older by the year and they are still so hard working, day in and out without fail. Their drive of life always amazes me. I wanted to help out. Although sumtimes I am angry and throw my temper with my family (which I am trying to control, seriously), I hold on to my stand " If you are happy, I am happy" and it really works. In the end, that is what really matters. If my parents are happy, I'll do it. Even if there are certain views and issues that I does not agree on. I'll do it. I can feel that this few months even with the moving house and preparation of CNY they really are happy and cheerful (mostly). That counts eh! Plus with my presence!! *kEKE*
Gosh! I will miss them so so so so much.
Mum Dad Kor SouSou ShaoYi QiTao