The car I have been driving... BROKE DOWN!
Location: Right in the middle of the freeway.
I was heading back Toowong after lunch-ing in the city. *SighX* Shoulda just stay back home and cook instead.
Anyway... it's kinda scary. As the cars driving is pretty fast.. I can actually feel the vibration everytime a car pass by. That's pretty freaking scary. I dun think it's advisable to get out in the middle of the freeway either. I sit still and wait for help. I keep on looking at the hind mirror just to check if the car at the back notice me. I have this image that keep coming to my mind - a Bang from the back crashing me to bits... Argghh. The only thing left is to wait for help.
Not long after,, a police came to the rescue. He was really kind. He helped me to push the car to the divider. It's much much safer.
In like another 10 minutes, the freeway patrol guy came and start to direct the traffic with his truck guiding them to keep left. I was RESCUED. He was really nice, asking me I need water, or if I wanted to hop into his truck (aircon).
I need to wait for the tow-away truck. It is FREE. Consider that the car broke down in the middle of freeway. It's free.. otherwise, I will have to bear a tow charge fee. Weird eh. Not that bad luck after all.
While waiting, there is an accident in front of my spot. Gosh! I hope that my car does not have anything to do with it. I duno.. some distraction?? Anyway, it cause very very heavy traffic. Of coz, the arrival of the tow truck was delayed.
Oh well, once arrived, they are O so kind enough, they tow the car and brought me back to Toowong, my apmt. Their actual duty was just to tow away the car and bring me to somewhere safe. Since my place is not that far, they brought me straight back to my place.
O about the car, there is a garage car repair just opposite my apmt. So no worries there too. What an experience.. what a day.
I am really thankful for the rescue and they are helpful too.. :D Cheers to them.
While I was waiting for help
Safe and Sound in the tow-truck while the rescuer attaching the car to the truck

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