Monday, December 31
Flashback of 2007
Although I must add that sometimes it's kinda pause awhile especially when mending a broken heart and times do heals a broken soul.
Heck. Time flies. Lotsa things happen in 2007, at least for me. Somehow, a turning point of my path of life.
I graduated and attended my graduation ceremony. I must add that my parents sure am proud of me. After all, I am the oldest among my peers to graduate and the oldest of all in my tutorial classes. What I felt most honored is knowing a bunch of great friends. Seriously, no one can ask for a better classmates. Penny, Grace, Janelle, Jasmine, Simpson, Kuan Mei, Deb, Bebe and the whole lot in Tutorial 1 is a blast. Heck, I might not be able to graduate without the help of them. Muakz and KudoZ for them. Come to think of it, I kinda miss the mamak at Utar (especially the drumstick chix) and the lunches we had while 'discussing' on our assignments. The library in Utar is one of its kind but heck, we did spend some of the napping time there. O, the lecturers... er,well, a thanks to them. Nothing much to be said there.
Marcus Evans. I worked there exactly 3 months. Just after my probation month ended. I had a wonderful working environment because of my colleagues. Fullstop. Bern, PengPheng, Cindy, Kelly and AmMee made the difference and the only drive for me to wake up every weekday at 7am. Bern is super duper good as my supervisor. Flexible and understanding with certain strictness suits me just fine. I feel the pressure to do the best yet with full motivation. It's definitely my first nine to five job other then my internship and my flying career. The fallback of it is the equipment in the office.
Life was good but not fulfilled. I still felt empty and unmotivated. I decided to get a change and head to Brisbane. I am blessed and thankful that I can chose the path I felt best for me. I do count my blessings. I head to pursue my Master in the same field as my degree. The new life suit me well. As the McD's theme, I'm Lovin' It.
Qi Tao, my nephew came to greet us with a loud cry of welcome. Yey!! I am a proud auntie of two wonderful and amazing kid. They are just adorable and lovable.
Onnie. The best guy ever. I can't believe that I have such a fantastic guy beside me during my ups and downs. I can't complain but that does not mean I can't throw my temper. *BlEkZ*
In total, all I can sum up is I am really blessed having such incredible people around me. I am nothing without them. I consider myself the luckiest person as having such people around me. Friends and families of mine are one of a kind and the best then one can ask for.
Hugz to them.
Saturday, December 29
Juggling between friends and families is tough. My mum's constant craving of attention and rather difficult to please really reach my limits to the max. I think I should skip this issue over here. It's a never ending story.
Ipoh is as usual. Nothing changed, even if there is, it is really minor. Ipoh. I felt that Ipoh is in between a fine line of love and hate, full of fond memories yet there are definitely things I wish to forget - forever.
Finding myself wanting to head back to Brisbane. More peace and quiet and ofcoz, more freedom. It's weird. When I am in Brisbane, I miss M'sia but when I am back, I can't wait to be in Brisbane.
Friday, December 7
Torturing Drink
Since I am back Malaysia. I definitely have to fulfill my craving of foods and drinks.
One drink I could not resist is "Chaum Bing" or rather Mix Ice. A mixture of ice tea and coffee with milk.
I love it so much. The rich and creamy taste when mixed together. However, everytime I drank it... I have some stomach ache problem that eventually leads to potty prob. Worse, I will have my heart beat pumping faster. I think its the caffiene kicking. I can actually feel the heart beat pumping lil bit faster... that is when I drank more than one glass. Finally, if I drink the drink in the afternoon, I won't be able to sleep at night... till FIVE in the morning. My eyes will be widely open eventhough I am physically and mentally tired. It's a total torture.
1) Stomach discomfort followed by potty prob
2) Faster heart beat
3) Can't sleep
Do I still drink it?
Yes. I just had two of it with my Dried Curry BeeHoon.
Monday, November 26
After Exam
After a 3 weeks of constant torture of assignments and exams, I am alas free. I delayed my flight back for a week and half to get some time of my own and rest.
What I did?? Oil Paint. I started it after SherPhy's persuasion to pick up this hobbie.
Not that I am good at it... Heck, I never even tried it before.
So I went online did some research, went Borders to find out more and got a book on Oil Painting and it's paint technic ( just for $10) , learnt on the oil medium, color mixing and brush strokes.
The next thing, I bought elementary set of oil paint kit. It's not expensive at all. The total cost spend is less then $50.
Luv it too bits.
My first drawing :
Not bad eh! Hahha...
Sunday, November 25
The making of the bread
The singer with ppl sitting by while eating breakie/brunch
Tuesday, November 13
Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now
Both Sides Now is a song by Joni Mitchell. Her first recording of the song appeared on the album, Clouds, way way back before I was born, 1969.
In year 2000, she resang this song, with a more deep, mature, enchanting voice. It's beautiful. Her voice have a mystery to it. A blend of maturity, sadness and enchanting singing the meaningful song.

The cd is one that grows on you and penetrates the heart with every layer of listening.
Monday, November 12
Friday, November 2

I want to go Skybar with them. GIK SEI NGOR LARRR....
What I am doing
Anyway, I also realize that how lame I am. I am so engross in Facebook and started to play online Yahoo games. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.I realize that now. If this is what Brisbane is making me. Gosh! I am so glad that I will be back to Malaysia and get a life.
Oh!! Did I ever mention, I speak more english in KL than in Brisbane. Gosh!!! Seriously! I myself find it weird. I speak cantonese most of the time. My unimates that I am close with are from HK, my housemates from Ipoh, my group of friends are basically from Malaysia, HK, China and Taiwan whom all speaks Cantonese. I seriously need to find a partime job next semester.
My time spent online just proof how pathetic I am and also my reluctancy to study for exams. Mind you! Seriously...Iam usually online more before exam time. I feel bad if I head out before exams... making me no choice to stay home, yet in need of some entertainment, I go online.
What I do:
I started to play a game called "Plant Tycoon" (from Yahoo! game) and only playing for the second time within 24 hours, my plants are all dead. It seems very obvious I am not a good gardener at all.. I totally sucks at it. I gave up as I have no more money to buy any more soil, plants or seed. I can't even try to heal my existing plant.. am doom!
I frequented facebook like every 2-3 hours ( Arggghhh... Why whY!!)
To the rescue : Heading out for Spanish food!! It's Fer's Birthday!!! Am outta here..
Thursday, November 1
A week before the exams 2
Gossips do perk my mood up.
Thanks to Miss Jasmine - the rebelious gal, fill me up with the newest news.
MuAhHAha.... Me lovin' GoSSips and every part of it.
O and and.. SmS from Penny! HehEe.. What a dear!!
Hugz Hugz
Wednesday, October 31
BIRDS!! And they are everyway.
I love parks... I really do but as usual, every likings there sure is a down part of it. For me, it's birds. I literally, do hate birds... or more precisely I am scared of birds.
I was in the uni, having my cuppa flat white at the cafe. I was enjoying the weather and the surroundings while reading my notes (preparing for exams). I suddenly felt that there is a pair of eyes staring at my direction viciously. I felt uncomfortable and look up. A pigeon is staring right at me, either that or at my direction. The pigeon slowly shifted the angle and tried to have a better look by coming towards me and using one eye to give extra focus.
GOSH! It scares the hell out of me. I pick up my stuff and head back in to the library.
I like outdoors. I love the wind blowing and the trees wishy-weshing. Gives a sense of change and the wondrous of nature. But HECK the birds is the trouble. The birds are everyway.
I dislike ...Correction. I hate them immensely. I dun like the feathers, their claws and definitely hate their eyes. I hate their gaze, I hate their long, vicious gaze the most. Heck, even describing it gives me the eery.
My hatred on birds started from my nightmares that I have during teens. I was in a big field, right at the slope of a mountain peak. I was enjoying or playing ( can't remember much on the details). Suddenly there is a flock of birds emerging out of no where, their wings and pecks is all that I felt. As usually dreams do, the memory was hazy but the feelings and emotion that you encounter in dreams are so intense that it could haunt you the rest of your life. That is what the birds do to me now, it haunts me.
Tuesday, October 30
A week before exams
Max 29
Shower or storm
Max 25
What the heck… another reason I am homesick. The weather!!!
I am really counting the days heading back Malaysia. I am missing family and friends terribly especially around the exam time.
I was moody for the past week due to assignment pressure I was reluctant to phone back home as ringing them will just make me burst into tears. So I refrain from calling.
Guess what perks me up today? A simple sms from my dear friends. It lighten up my face and brought a smile all throughout the afternoon.
Roma St Park - BBQ
That's all for now. :P
Friday, October 26
The Thirteenth Tale
I fell in real deep.
The book " The Thirteenth Tale" by Diane Setterfield.
I bought the book in Kinokuniya, KL in May. Unread, I sent it over to Australia by post. The post finally arrived after a few months of shipping from KL to Sydney and went through the Australia custom before arriving to Brisbane. I unpacked the parcel and saw the book again. The wrapper was still intact. I made a promise to read it once I am done with the current read of 31 Dream Street by Lisa Jewell then.
On Tuesday night, frustrated with my assignments, I decided to release my anger and started to read. The first page, the very first page, I already knew that I am going to love the story. From the very beginning, the story was a page turner. It's rare.
The book is full of suspense, surprise and satisfaction. I was so caught into the tale itself. It mesmerize me and I fell deep into the story. The whole atmosphere of the book is powerful and sweeping. Intriguing, daring and even downright heart-pounding at times, I still continue patiently to read page by page as it takes my mind away deep into the story.
I won't be bothered to mention the content of the book. I am just trully happy to read this book. A total joy. Highly Recommended. This book will be in my All-time-Favorites along with The Time Travellers Wife.
I definitely will re-read this book again and again.
This book is a MUST read.
Point to note: Dun take this book to bed. It will be sunrise, before you know it.
Friday, October 12
AmAZingly Creative
Gosh... this is totally GOOD! It's worth the watch.
This Kiwi animation is not the original one but the music with it makes it more meaningful, Gary Jules - Mad World.
Luv it to bits!!!
Thursday, October 11
Spring / Summer
it's HOT! The heat... Gosh... winter come and go... spring zooming cross... I can't even imagine how will the summer feels like... Oh wait, I won't. I'll be back in Malaysia. Lucky me. I can't stand the heat.. *HAhHA*
I was in the seminar class the other day. Anne, our lecturer was talking about culture adaption. She mention that when one heads off to another country or city, he or she normally will take at least 2 years to adapt and accept the culture at the new environment. That's just a rough figure of year in most research based study. It does not matter if it's heading back to your hometown and going away. It takes a around 2 years.
If that is really the case. My life must be hell messy and Gosh! Please, people, mind my moodswings! *KEkE*
O by the by, there are things I do not understand Australians:
why they like to go bare foot walking around the streets and lecture halls?
Tuesday, October 9
Arrival of the Parcels
The two parcels are basically sent to Brissie the day of my departure to Brisbane. It's sent through by Post Malaysia. Heck, It's cheap even by shipment. Costing only RM120 for around 37 kg (two parcels). It's definitely the cheapest.
The parcels actually consist of shoes, books, accesories and odds and pieces (photo frame, post-it, pens etc etc). Nothing important or urgent. I mean, I have it and not using it will be a waste since I am in Brissie. I figure, rather than buying over again, why not sent it over.
It took a rough 3 months plus to arrive.
Everything is in tact. I got all my shoes!! I must say my room is becoming more and more 'me'. HhAhA.. Yey!!
Although, there is a broken frame :'( I am just happy that it finally arrives.
Monday, October 8
Walking in the Rain
Practically, the lecturer read word to word from the given notes with his monotonous tone. I could fall asleep with his slow and dull voice.
Okay, I admit that I love Indian style of speaking English.... I find it very very SexY! HEhE.. I fell in love with the tone when I first watch "Heroes". The very beginning of the first episode when Mohinder Suresh starting the very beginning of the fantastic TV series. The deep indian tone still strong with perfect english speaking accent.... *WooHooooOO*
Unfortunately, the lecturer's accent is a another story all together.
I left around 6pm and decided to take CityCat. On the way to the pier, the thunder and lighting take over the sky. I sighed... what bad luck. The rain started to pour down heavily. I started to hasten my walk.
At least the wait for the ferry ain't that long.
Not long after, I get off at my stop. Others have umbrellas! I don't. I wonder if they check the weather forecast everyday or just happen to bring umbrellas. I walk pretty fast heading back towards my apartment.
I am already half wet.
What surprise me... is that I kinda enjoyed it. Walking under the rain. Haha... It's like 'you dun give a damn anymore'. Letting it be.
Sometimes, things turns out pretty much alrite... just how you are willing to see it.
ps. I went home and straight for a shower.
Saturday, October 6
Tow Patrol to the Rescue
The car I have been driving... BROKE DOWN!
Location: Right in the middle of the freeway.
I was heading back Toowong after lunch-ing in the city. *SighX* Shoulda just stay back home and cook instead.
Anyway... it's kinda scary. As the cars driving is pretty fast.. I can actually feel the vibration everytime a car pass by. That's pretty freaking scary. I dun think it's advisable to get out in the middle of the freeway either. I sit still and wait for help. I keep on looking at the hind mirror just to check if the car at the back notice me. I have this image that keep coming to my mind - a Bang from the back crashing me to bits... Argghh. The only thing left is to wait for help.
Not long after,, a police came to the rescue. He was really kind. He helped me to push the car to the divider. It's much much safer.
In like another 10 minutes, the freeway patrol guy came and start to direct the traffic with his truck guiding them to keep left. I was RESCUED. He was really nice, asking me I need water, or if I wanted to hop into his truck (aircon).
I need to wait for the tow-away truck. It is FREE. Consider that the car broke down in the middle of freeway. It's free.. otherwise, I will have to bear a tow charge fee. Weird eh. Not that bad luck after all.
While waiting, there is an accident in front of my spot. Gosh! I hope that my car does not have anything to do with it. I duno.. some distraction?? Anyway, it cause very very heavy traffic. Of coz, the arrival of the tow truck was delayed.
Oh well, once arrived, they are O so kind enough, they tow the car and brought me back to Toowong, my apmt. Their actual duty was just to tow away the car and bring me to somewhere safe. Since my place is not that far, they brought me straight back to my place.
O about the car, there is a garage car repair just opposite my apmt. So no worries there too. What an experience.. what a day.
I am really thankful for the rescue and they are helpful too.. :D Cheers to them.
Safe and Sound in the tow-truck while the rescuer attaching the car to the truck

Lamington Park

Monday, October 1
Moving to the new apartment, party, dinners and moutain track walk (last weekend)! O not forgetting the horrendous task : assignments.
I am starting to regret getting back to Uni. Seriously. Why one need to SUFFER and PAY for the freaking expensive tuition fees (plus with the exchange rate!). Is it a test of one's capability and management in pursue of another certificate that in the end will end up in some old box somewhere in the corner of the house. Worse, will it be applicable in the real life or will one use the stuff taught in class.
Sunday, September 30
Housewarming Party

After a hectic and tiring weekend of moving all the stuff from Festival Tower to the new apartment... a housewarming is a NECESSITY!
It is also in conjunction of, Mooncake Festival!! *HEhhhE*
Of coz party means food. I dun think I am able to carry such a burden to prepare more than 10 ppl housewarming party's food eh? SO it's a potluck party! It's safe us the trouble too :D
What I prepared is : Fried beef HorFun, Fried Vege Bihun, Potato Salads (Bacon and Vege).
Onnie and Thomson: Drinks and Snacks... O as well as, plactic cups and etcetc.
Our invited friends also brought: Curry Vege, Curry Pork, Mooncakes, KFC chix, Pizzas, CousCous, and etc etc.
Cheers! ps. din drink any wine at all except 2-3 bottles of beer (The wine is just for photo shooting purpose)
After food, game time! Two tables... Uno in one and 'ChorDee' in the other
Tuesday, September 25
BAcckkk..... and gone again
I have no internet access at home now, hafto wait for the reconnection. Yup!I am now currently living in Toowong. Love the new place. It's centralize, in between the city and UQ. The river is just a road away, therefore, I took the ferry to uni! Coolz!
Had a sorta housewarming party last saturday. It was fun. :D Potluck style.
Yikes... need to ciao. I am in the uni library. I need to start doing my assignments. Arggh.. I hate doing MetaReviews on the journals... it's killing me.
Saturday, September 15
Miss Saigon - Superb!!
I totally enjoyed the show.
I must say the ending caught me as a surprise. However, I gather that it's the perfect ending. it makes perfect sense though.
The acting is really really good. The beginning to the end, it amazes me. Their singing and their acting. I enjoyed every moment of it.
As the title tells, the story is in Saigon that happen during the American-Vietnam war. Communism and the US army, Bombs and killings around Vietnam. A girl called Kim fell in love with an American army.... click here for more (kinda lazy here.. mind you)

Friday, September 14
Miss Saigon
Onnie surprised me with :
Tickets to watch Miss Saigon!!!
Today at 7.30pm, I'll be at Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC)
Can't wait...
Monday, September 10
The Good Gesture
Reason: I have loads to bring to uni. My laptop, books and printed journals are a quite a handful. I can't carry all those and walk a distance can I?
The carpark space is limited. Of coz, the nearer you park your car to the uni the higher price you gotta pay. I usually park the car at the 'Whole day' zone. It cost $3 a day, it is the cheapest. I will still have to walk around 500 m to the library.
So what I do is, I park my car next to the library. I immediately zoom in at get the keys for a desk and lock all my stuff (postgrad students have an entire floor whereby we could have lock desk, private study room). Bought myself a cuppa at Merlos and RUSH back to the car. Re-park it at the 'Whole day' zone.
The carpark was rather full. I waited for a gal to start her car so that I could park her exsisting space. The gal suddenly wave at me, signalling her ticket. I was surprise of her nice gesture. As the ticket is a whole day ticket, I happily retrieve the ticket and thanked her. She left and I took her original space. She totally made my day. A simple gesture by just giving her ticket so I could use it instead. It's nothing much.. but the thought of it really makes my day.
Life is wonderful.
Cranberries - Rulz
Halfway doing my assignment, a particular sound lure me to my full attention. It's from Cranberries. I know it distinctively it's Cranberries. Dolores O'Riordan have such amazing voice, I was mesmerized by her voice. I clicked on the playlist. "Ode to the Family"
Love it!
Back to my work.. Ciao
Evening Walk
It was wonderful.
We started of heading towards QUT. There was an outdoor ochestra in conjuction of the RiverFestival. Loads of people gather around the built up stage with foldable chairs, flask of coffee and foods. We stop by a minute to embrace it's atmosphere and head out to the Goodwill Bridge that connects to SouthBank.
Arriving there, we decided to take a longer route. We head out to the KangarooPoint and the Story Bridge. The scenery was fantastic. We took the riverside route and manage to get a glimpse of sun set. We pass the the eagle street pier before heading back to the city.
I think a rough 4 km walk. By the time, we arrive back to the apartment, we are exhausted and hungry. KFC did the trick :D
A perfect ending for a weekend.
Thursday, September 6
The Right Choice
Went to a great place called Le Bon Choix.
The place serves good food. Great pastry, Superb bread, Yummy savory.
I ordered a ham and cheese croissant, of coz.. with a cuppa flat white.
Sitting beside the window with Onnie. I like it best when it's cold and rainy outside and looking at the street and the weather - a lousy one btw, while sipping up the coffee and enjoy the warmth slowly flowing through the body.
Stupéfier!! Definitely will go again.

Wednesday, September 5
My Day - 2
Oh! Our rental application on Land Street has finally been approved.
Official move in date 15 September 2007. Can't wait.
CityCat is two minutes walk, Toowong Village and transport is just a short stroll. Resort style pool, gym Bar-B-Q in complex. Available Now. Large upper level unit in large block with resort style pool and gym. Within easy walk to City, transport, Toowong Village and famous landmark hotel. Three built-in bedrooms...two bathrooms...internal laundry includes dryer...modern kitchen with gas stove...large open plan living/dining...huge useable balcony with beautiful river and city views...air conditioner. Air con ditioning...pool...gym...cycle ways...riverside walks...modern unit ( I cut and paste from the realestate website).
My Day
The parcel which my dad carefully wrap with perfection
Guess what my mum send me... dvd's!! *mUakZ* and a printed photo of our whole family.. How thoughtful :D and some other stuff that I need
I feel so much better or is it that I am spoiled?? I love to recieve parcel from them. It is like another act of love from them to me, whereby I never shoulda doubt their care and love for me. But still I wanted them to send it anyway. I love their never ending attention to me. Am I just plain spoiled?Arggh.. Dun bother. I love being spoiled by them. I dun mind sharing their love to my kor, HooiLing, ShaoYi and the lil dude due October. We are family!! Heck. I do love them to bits. They are my living guardian angel.
Life's good. Thank you God. My pray is answered.
Final - gp presentation
The presentation goes smoothly.
AlaS! The group assignment has come to an end. Overall, I think we did pretty good although there is some misunderstanding and miscommunication last week. I guess the diverse culture hold a reason to that as well. Oh well, maybe it's just how a social contructionist model works. A proactive communication that is constantly building up the theme and bring together the team to work. (Gosh, am I viewing things in academic view... ArGhhhh Help~!! I have enough of the subject * BlEkz*!)
Plus my quiz result came out. The marks is better than I expected. It will hold 15% of the total score for this subject.
The thing is now... I will have another individual assignment due next friday.
It's 3.03 am. I can't sleep. Help!!
Sunday, September 2
Ps. It's a sneak opening show on Sunday, will watch it again
The walk to River Festival
I missed it two years ago as I was in Townsville for the weekend. This year.. I definitely won't miss it.
As what Thomson and I did the past few saturdays, we went for house inspection. This time, we inspected 7 houses. The inspections are at Toowong, Taringa and KelvinGrove suburbs. We finally found 2 that we really liked and had fill up the application form. * Keeping my fingers cross*
Anywayz, our last house inspection is around 2.50pm. The very last one. Thomson and I were exhausted. Especially me! I am sick of driving manual car. As I have mentioned in previous post, I have no coordination. I am lousy in manual drive cars. POor Thomson.. he have to bare with my driving skills.. which at the end made him feel nauseated. Oh well, a treat of Ice Green Tea with sour plum did the cure.
After a short rest, we walked to Chinatown for tea. Actually, it is more like a meeting place before the start of the journey to the fireworks view spots. I had two ice tea and a french toast at a HongKong CharChanTeng style. What I need to strongly empasize on is that I W-A-L-K-ed there.
After the meeting up with some other friends, we decided the best spot for fireworks will be at Kangaroo Point. Since there will be traffic and a few major roads closure due to the event. It is more advisable to walk. Yeap.. another walk.
When I arrive there, I was drained. As predictable, the place is crowded with people. People who've been BBQ-ing, some set up tents with comfy stools, some with their beers and singing along with the music from radio blasting loudly. It was a noisy and crowded. All is in a happy and chirpy mood, anticipating the fireworks. We finally manage to sqeeze in and find a spot and wait for the arrival of the fireworks.
At 7pm sharp, two military aircraft flew past the city with a big blast of fire behind. It is the signal. Everyone cheered and the fireworks started to color the dark sky with amazing patterns and style.
Fifteen minutes gone. I started to get bored. As impatient as I usually am. I started to find it too long. I patiently waited until the final finale of the fireworks. Another 5 minutes of waiting, I heard the radio announcement on the final finale, I stood up and alert myself as usually the finale is suppose to be the grandest of all. :D It did. The two planes finaly re-appeared to end ceremony.
The crowd begin to spread and leave. So does our group. I will need to walk back to the city, which I find it really tiring after the whole day of events. My legs hurts from the constant pressing of clutch and brake pedal as well as the walks. Not long after we said our goodbyes to the group, Onnie and I bump into his friend who drove to KangarooPoint. We are at luck. Alex and Boon fetch me and Onnie back to the city.
So in total, 20 min ( city to chinatown) + 45 min (chinatown to kangaroopoint) = 1 hr 5 min
Actually it's not much of a bigger deal, just that I am so use to Malaysia lifestyle. We seldom walk as the hot sun glaring down on us and the high dependant on car.
Don't get me wrong. I LuRRvvVee walks. I treasure the walks with my parents at Menglembu Hill. I love bush walking in the rainforest ( I miss those days when I am travelling from Townsville to Cairns... the rainforest walks hold some of my fondest memories ).
But hell, I am not up for it that day and I survived through the busy day! YeY!!
Saturday, September 1
Punjabi Palace
The only pix I manage to take. Tandoori Chix for starter/entree.
For main course, I was too busy grabbing food... no time for pix!! *BLeKx*
The food was good... I love the Punjabi Naan the best.
Friday, August 31
Totally love it. I wonder when I will get my hands on it... Hmmpph.... *Should I* Should you*
Need to Chill
To cheer me up? a good dinner.
I will be trying out an Indian Restaurant call Punjabi Palace.
Great reviews.
Just call the restaurant for reservations.
Can't wait.
Communication assignment - BaaAah!
Just wanna scream out loud... Reason?? I am in an extremely opinioniated group for assignment.
There are two who would not even listen to other thoughts. Everyone has their very own idea.
I just want to get things done. Too much opinions will never get the job done.
I want it done. period. And be over with.
Wednesday, August 29
Living at the heart of City
It's just a street away from Queen Street.
I love the fact that whenever I have a sudden craving for ice cream in the middle of the night, I can just slip on my slipper and head down to 7/11 with my Pjs.
I love the fact that I can just go Coles or the Korean supermarket whenever I ran out of stuff within minutes.
I love the fact the bus stand to the uni is just 2 streets away.
I love the fact that I can always get food, coffee anytime I want. Err... Correction, everything close here around 5pm.
*sighZ* But anywayz I will have to move at the end of September. Too bad. The tower will be shifting operation to service apartment.
Been looking for 2 saturdays with zero results. *SiGHZ*
Monday, August 27
YiiShuin's full Moon
They are in town! Yup. Aunty and Uncle is Hooiling's parents. I do not know how to call them so just aunty and uncle. Of Coz... they are no ordinary uncle or aunty.
They arrive Brisbane a couple of days later than me. We wanted to meet up sooner but their grandson decide to arrive into our world earlier then expected :D
His name is YiiShuin.
On Sunday, I went to KokKeong korkor house in Sunnybank. I was late as there is a previous engagement. Need to head out to Logan to an outdoor park outing in the morning.
I am really happy to see aunty and uncle :D They both seems well and healthy as usual. The house is full of people. Hurray!! I do get bored here somtimes.
Aunty cook LOADS OF FOOD! HAhA.. I practically eat non-stop during my whole duration there. I was so full but I still can't help to eat.
Food : Fried BiHun, Nasi kunyit, Curry Chicken, Pork Stew, Belacan, Mix Vege, Fried Ginger Chix, Fried noodles.
The crowd was fun too.There are more than 15 ppl and most of them from Malaysia. Most of the time, I played with the children. We played hide and seek, drawing, gardening, fights and killing. Haha...
Had a good fun :D
Oh. wanted to note down : I made potato salad and bake a cake on Saturday!! CoOlz!
Friday, August 24
Addicted to Coffee
I did not realize that I am addicted to coffee until today.
The very day I arrive Brisbane, I have been starting to drink coffee nearly every day. Okay. I have to admit I quit on my fags. Totally zero fags. I quit and stop. I made my choice. No! I did not have any craving at all. I am strong and very much motivated to stop it. This coming over here make it a better situation to quit. New environment, new lifestyle and not to mention on the price of fags here.. GoshPrettyEx!! So I call it a quit.
Here I am addicted to C-O-F-F-E-E.
Reason being:
1) it's winter... a hot cup of drink is desirable after a bus ride.
2) Merlo's serves good strong coffee
3) it kinda keeps me awake during seminars ( 3 hours!! )
4) Merlo's is on my way classes
5) Coffee is everywhere here
It's a Friday. I dun have seminars on friday. I plan to be in my room today. Just read and play my game. O... and watch Grey's Anatomy. Plus the weather is real bad. It's been raining day and night for more than 4 days. It's extremely windy too. So me in my cosy apmt is the best way to spend Friday. Did I ever mention that I LURVE Friday, along with most of the people I know too. Cindy Cluny is one of them :D
Oh well. It's afternoon already, I was watching Grey's until the headache started to kick in. My head started all fuzzy and wizzy. I wondered what's wrong.... only to realise I am low in caffeine!! It's raining and cold. I so dun feel like getting out of my cozy bed.
Coffee rulz. I changed and head down. Gosh! This is why living right in the heart of city is so amazing, a freshly brewed coffee is just 22 floors down.
I ordered an extra large. It is not as good as Merlo's but wat the heck. ME NEED KOPI.
Friday, August 17
The main reason?? I have loads of friends to do it with. The friends who are good in their work. Friends who are easy going. Friends who treat everyone as friends :D
In total, I have a good bunch of friends to work with and ended up with good marks too :D The process doing assignments are fun and enjoyable. I am usually more focus on what we will eat after the meeting or perhaps before the meeting. Or just wanted to get the job done and over with.
Without them here now. Hmm... saddens me.
I just need to put so much more effort to do my assignments.
O Bugger.
I have like 4 subjects and in total of 3 individual assignments and 3 group assignments with 3 semester exams.
O Bugger Bugger...
Thursday, August 16
The Difference and LOCO ROCO!
The difference between Here and There
Phone Ringing: Extremely low / Quite often
Ipod usage : Very often/ Seldom
Public transport : Often / Least
Walking: Quite often / Not so much
Online: Nothing much difference
Driving: Not so/ Constantly
Cook: Amazingly lots / Very seldom
Read: Similar
Eat: Much more/ Sufficient
The things I miss and notice the diffferent most is my mobile. It seldom ring. My iPod usage is really high as comparing in KL. O cooking! Gosh! I must say that my cooking is much much more edible .. Hell! It is GOOD!! MuaHahAhaha.. Yup. I do cook and I can cook. Actually I think it's every human instinct to cook.
My iPod is my constant companion, so much, until it is always low in batt. *SighZ* My only solution is to use PSP!! MuahAhAhhaaHha.... Only when I forgot to charge my iPod (quite often).
I got 2 games for the PSP. It's so super duper GOOD!!!!! One of it is Gurumin and ...
Lemme introduce LOCO ROCO :D
It's a really cute and fun game... Err.. did I ever mention that I am bad in playing all sort of games. As Onnie mention, I am bad in coordination and have zero patience. Still.. it is loads and loads of fun. I give it a 9 over 10.

Saturday, August 11
Market Day
The CuPCakes!! Arent' they just beautiful, delicately designed with care.
Flowers at the Market is also cheaper and more exotic :D Me Likey!
Yup! I fell in love with the Saturday Market.
The food there is irrisistable. From Cupcakes to Garlic Turkish Bread... From Curry Puff to Ricecrackers. It's all good and duper yummy.
Oh... I am fatter by day. Since the day I arrive here, all I think of is food. The food here is bigger in portion and creamier too! The desserts here are all fattening. And the chips here are more yummier too. The cold is not doing any good either. I just keep on eating :P But it's all for the good. I love food. I am having constant craving for the tort chips.
That does not mean that I do not miss M'sian food either. I already have a list, mind you! I will be patiently waiting till Devember for :
-Curry Mee (oldtown)
-LokeLoke (Ipoh Gdn East)
-Hakka Mee (My dad and I's breakie)
-Wanton Mee (oldtown)
-Yong Tau Foo (PJ)
-Heong Peng (Ipoh)
-Bak Kut Teh (Klang)
-Mum's cooking
-Steamboat (Eli and San)
-Char Keoy Teow with SEE HUM (Robert's)
Thursday, August 9
A Diff route.. A Diff Mood
Finally! I manage to take a deep breath and do watever was needed.
I was feeling rather chirpy and relieved after everything sorted out at uni. I decided to walk around the campus. I wanted to venture out a bit from the normal route. I decided to stroll along the lake. Which was rather ridiculous, as I just bought 3 textbook that is awfully heavy. Then again, my mood ... is GOOD! So it does not really matter.
It is really beautiful.
I found out another bus stop at the other side of the lake. It's the 109 bus stop. I always wonder where this bus stop at uni. The usual bus I took is 412, which stops right in front of the uni's sudent centre. That day, I took a different route back to city.
Hmmm... A change out of the norm. I think it's always good to do sth different once in awhile. It's oddly refreshing and make your mind wander bit. The route is headed from South side of Brisbane ( SouthBank ) then to city.
I think I'll try to take the citycat(boat ride) one day to uni :D ehhe..
Hey!! Did I mention that I manage to finish off Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. IT'S PERFECT. It took me 3 days to finish it. I was so anxious, I like it from the very beginning to the end. Although at the middle, was a bit dull... BIT!! It is when Harry and Hermoine shifting around places without any clue to find the Horcrux. Altogether it is definitely better then the previous book.
My favorite Harry Potter is still the fourth :D I love it to bits... from the Quidditch World Cup to the Triwazard Tournament ... dragons, Winky, maze,Viktor Krum. It is all good good good.
Cheers to Harry Potter and Cheers to JK Rowling!