Theme : 0% Hunger
The reason of having this campaign is to fulfill the audience with the knowledge of World Hunger with the help of World Vision Malaysia. This campaign aim to let the audiences of the event to learn about World Hunger; its causes, effects, and what we as individuals can do to lend a helping hand.
The campaign was on 28 October.
This campaign was held due to our coursework assignment in our final year subject, "PR campaign". I must say I had work with a bunch of wonderful team mates and had an amazing time. Of course, there's ups and downs during the preparation of the campaign... that's why its call team work, eh? Anyway the lil weenie dispute that happen now and then is also because of wanting the campaign to be a success. So what the heck!... we all had a good time and its an experience, lastly it did went well. A big round of applause to all of us in the team... esp to the leaders. *HUGs*
The reason of having this campaign is to fulfill the audience with the knowledge of World Hunger with the help of World Vision Malaysia. This campaign aim to let the audiences of the event to learn about World Hunger; its causes, effects, and what we as individuals can do to lend a helping hand.
The campaign was on 28 October.
This campaign was held due to our coursework assignment in our final year subject, "PR campaign". I must say I had work with a bunch of wonderful team mates and had an amazing time. Of course, there's ups and downs during the preparation of the campaign... that's why its call team work, eh? Anyway the lil weenie dispute that happen now and then is also because of wanting the campaign to be a success. So what the heck!... we all had a good time and its an experience, lastly it did went well. A big round of applause to all of us in the team... esp to the leaders. *HUGs*

(From right, clockwise; Irene, me, Simpson and Kuan mei)
Picture taken before the start of Press Conference
Before the press conference, discussion at the music coordinating section
In preparation of the campaign, the message dedication, where the audience can stick their msgs ( From left; Irene, Hon Lim, Mun Wai, and Siew Kee)

The Cutting and Pasting session for the exhibition booth ( providing information to the audiences)

Sen Yau doing the final backdrop
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