Shao Yi: The princess of our family
She definitely is our center of the attention. She is just so adorable. Oh well...actually, more like Dr Jekyll and Mr hyde....
She is an angel by day, devil by night!!
Poor Hooi Ling and Kor... Shao Yi only happens to cry at night. She is really the devil, like Frankenstien! HaHAha. I wonder if she knows the attention she gets when she cried. Hooi Ling did not have a good night sleep at all for weeks!!! Like yesterday, Shao Yi only manage to sleep after 4 in the morning. Hooi Ling's eyes got swollened up today... Oh boy! The sacrifices of having a baby...
As I was sleeping in my room, next to theirs,Shao Yi did not manage to disturb my slumber at all. I think I am kinda immune to the screaming and crying. I have no complains at all. *Wink*
Hey!! I maybe bad in lotsa stuff, but sleeping... I think I am pretty good at it!!
I guess everyone can imagine how Shao Yi gets involved in our life. As she is our first baby in the family. My mum and dad can just keep on smiling and smiling and smiling just by looking at her. My kor will even speak softly and more caring when it comes to her. My grand ma?? Haha.. she is so proud to have such beautiful great grand daughther. Her eyes disappeared when she is looking at Shao Yi as all I can see is her big great smile.
So ain't she the angel by day and devil by night!!

Final note : I love her
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