Saturday, December 23
FReeEEee as A Bird... and busy like a Bee... Nah! Not for the Honey... but for the FUN!
I went Genting and Raub with my dear classmates. The trip was amazing and lotsa Funs!!!
After that trip, I went back Ipoh with a bad sore throat with an ulcer on the throat... *sIgh*
Head back to KL, bring Shirley, Erik and Gustav around KL ( Gustav first time to Asia ).
Tag along to Singapore with my parents to see the Flower Exhibition in Suntec City and shop around ... HAhah... got my First Mulberry bag there!! HurrRaY!!
And here I am... Still not finish yet!! Xmas is coming... New Year is Coming.. HongKong is coming... and maybe Aussie too!!
MuaHAhHAhHAhahahaha... Life is a blizz.
Friday, December 8
Catching up with the Zaa Zaa Szu feeling
I met up with my dearest friend... FInaLly!!!
I miSsed Her SO So SooOo very very MUCH!!!!
Gosh! I am so keen to see her... on my way to OneU, I actually had the Zaa ZaA SzU! You know, the butterflies feeling in the stomach when you are anxious or extremely exited... and I thought it could only happen to .. err... such as first dates, interviews, blah blah blah.... but definitely NOT with best friend!!
(mind you, I have not seen her more than two years or less )
Ha... ! Shirley oh! Shirley! Beautiful and stunning as ever... that's my Shirley.
We talked and talked and talked. Arghh.. there is endless catching up to do. She talks about her life, gossips, etc etc. I talked about mine... suddenly, I felt so shallow. I wonder, what the hell have I been doing this past 3 years. *sIgh* I felt that I learned nothing, gained nothing, experienced nothing.. worse... I find myself worthless.
Yucks! BrbRrrrrrrr.... *Shake my head*
Anyway, the meet up was a short one. She'll be heading to BKK for a couple of days and till then!!! YEy!!!! I will be totally hers!
Terrible! My last paper is on tmrw! YuckS! I am not even prepared.. Damn!!!
Tuesday, December 5
I was browsing on my hp's photos ( Yup... wat ever excuses I can get so that I would not need to study ).
The reason me blogging this post is dedicated totally to JPG. Those three lil bugger had totally perk up my life.. especially this year. HehEh.. I had lots of fun and laughter with them. I wonder what would my uni life be without them...*EeKss* Give me the cold shivers even thinking about it.
Firstly, they will always keep me inform with all the going-ons in class. I am blur in uni.. never know what's going on, whether class been canceled or whether my library books are way overdue, and esp on the notes that was past around to class. The most important, helping me to sign the attendance. Gosh, I would not even be able to graduate this year with the amount of classes I skipped if not for them!
Oh well.. the list will go on and on.
Other then that, hehe... there is always my temper that they need to deal with. Sorry ler... I know sometimes, or rather 'MOST' of the time, my temper is really unbearable and the JPG can still take it with total patience. Thanks a million. HuGs and MuaKz!!! You guys the Best... Luv Ya!
There are many more... but this one is worth mentioning, the number of time we went out for YumChar!!! HAHAhHA.. the talks, the stupidness, the lame jokes, the simply nothings... etcetc make it A billion Somethings.
We will be graduating soon. Each and everyone will be heading seperate ways. Fear not, I am sure we will have a pact or sumthing... and will continue the stupidness, laughter, the lame jokes, the gossips till god knows when.
Hehe.. The latest photos we took... ( Si Penny do not wanna gimme her photos we took .. ishiSh.. so just mine this time round... on playing Uno Stack )
Which reminds me, before meeting them up for drinks, I was with Gavin at Souled Out. Guess who I bump into? Jasmine and gang! ( Celebrating Jasmine's 21st Bday... Oh Boy, I do feel oh-so 'young')
*ShUcks* Tmrw is our first final paper.. totally not prepared and I am here blogging all this..
PS. Luv you all
Monday, December 4
Alive..Dying.. Dead... RIP
Yupyup... I am still doing my quizes... Argghh.. help!!!!
Addiction... Lame excuse, aint it? Plus.. can't say that I am having fun! Just that I just refraining myself to KNACK my brains out in Miss Alagu's notes.
Quiz... essss
There is nothing much to do... other then....QuiZ TimEE!!! RRinnnGGGGGGgg...
Had not done this for quite some time!
You Are 40% Left Brained, 60% Right Brained |
The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet. The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. |
Your Personality Cluster is Extraverted Intuition |
You are: A true wordsmith - a master of words Original, spontaneous, and a true inspiration Highly energetic, up for any challenge Entertaining and engaging, both to friends and strangers |
You Were a Mouse |
You quietly examine life's lessons and see multiple meanings in things. You are also good at discovering details and remaining in the background. |
HA! This one... the vital Quiz!!that some of my dear friends need to have careful consideration sitting in my drive ! haHAhahA..
( Gaeng mei?? *kEkEke* )
You Failed Your Driver's Test |
You only got 2/10 correct. If you have a driver's license, it needs to be revoked! |
Friday, December 1
Middle Readers
I think I should rephrase... children's books for middle readers! Yey!!
I was browsing on a catalogue and I am amazed! I was caught up with the storyline and the synopsis of those children's book. It actually interest me more than those adult books!
Ha.. I dun care.. children read, infant read, elder read, adult read, etc etc.. as long as I am intrigued with the reading.. who cares!
Gotten myself some children books... (supposed age : 8-12 )
Oh... I did get two 'adult' books too... (mind you.. the two covers are totally diff from what I get in Borders... the ones posted is way much nicer)

Oh well.. this is one series that I really wish to get... Ha! Can't wait... ___________________
Yup... I am back in KL.
Farnee... I was kinda reluctanct to come back KL when I started to get use to Ipoh.. and vice versa. Guess the love and hate btn two places is a mystery to me, myself.
Feeling rather restless once back in KL again... go figure with the books I bought today. Drove back with a terrible mood and decided to spend the afternoon in Borders!
I guess... only books can perk my mood up. Ha!! And IT DID!!!
ps. Books as in BOOKS ( not Text-Books )
pss. Exams next week... my two final paper... studied? N.O.
Wednesday, November 29
Monday, November 27
Yoga , Ipoh
I've decided my regular cardio is not enough and it's time for some stretching. I was first persuaded by San to take up Yoga. I am never good at stretching... no bending watsoever... until my mum told me that I had a stiff body and a rough waist line! It has nothing to do with slim and tall.. just that it's just plain RoUgh!
San had her usual lessons in Ipoh. One-to-one. She ask me to join her lesson and try it out. No harm done.. moreover, I wanted to tone up my muscles, exercise my spine and my skeletal system PLUS it would be just nice for all those celebrations coming up.
So the date was fixed at 10-11am today, one-to-two person lesson.
The strectching is HARD!!!
I need to emphasize on my breathing... my posture... and the bending!! Lastly to follow up with the steps... and San ( I might add ) is really good at Yoga. Balancing all this at one go... is kinda hectic.
We first kick off with the Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar. That was the easiest. After that was hell. It really reach my limits but worth every minute. I can actually feel my muscles doing their job. I can't even remember all the names of the position as I put all my strength in concentrating on the stretching and breathing during the lessons.
Oh well, all I can say that it is worth it. My whole body ache.. especially on my thigh and my waist. I sweat and it felt DAMN GOOD.
Verdict = I will continue doing yoga.
Next lesson = Wednesday.
Time= ?
One-to-One. ( San = back kl )
(Wish me luck...)
My third night in Ipoh... I am B.O.R.E.D
Help me!! I am neither here nor there. I am so restless yet I am B-O-R-E-D.period.
Oh well... the next best thing = B.E.D
Sunday, November 26
I only realize it still hurts deep down inside. I really wonder why. Am I not trying to let go? Am I still hanging?
I can't go back... I never would and never will. It has cross the line. I won't turn back.... I have more self-worth.
I won't want to get hurt the second time. The first pain is still raw at heart. I won't head down to hurtful-ville to get hurt again rite o? So... it's N-O. I've drawn out from the triangle and dun ever plan to be back in it.
Hurt Once... Shame on you.
Hurt TWICE.... Shame on ME
I just wonder when can I restore the faith in love. I tried... believe me.. I tried. But it is just so damn fucking hard! Where is the sparks and chemistry? Will I know it? Will I feel it? Will I get hurt again? Deeper? How much more can I take? Security? or Pure Love?
If loving is so hard and painful ... why love?
Tuesday, November 21
I was called up for a coffee yesterday. He is Michelle's bro. He actually had persistently called me a number of times this year which I was rather busy to keep in touch.
The whole chat at CenterPoint was on motivation and your path towards a better life.BlAH bLAH ... bLAH....and it goes on and on Which actually contradict my believes... and the thoughts that I had. Oh well... he and another fren, both has their strong points. I was just curious why they keep on emphasizing on the success and entrepeunership.. etc etc. It was fine with me as I was still deciding on which path I should be heading to after I graduate.
They eventually asked me to attend this talk which was held in Sunway Hotel. I remembered that I actually keep on asking them what is the talk regarding about... and stuff to get more infor. They just vaguely touch on it and make me attend the talk.
GOSH! Never did I know that it was on MLM! DAmn!! I am damn pissed off. They shoulda tell me earlier RITE??
It's about this SYN on ONE TEAM. Seriously, they are loads of young man and woman driving BMWs and wearing black coats and blah blah.. those achievers like marquis and dukes will have the chance to go on stage and give talks and motivates and talk how great they had become by joining this WonDerFul and AmAziNg team... An hard and easy with short time to earn money... Hey.. do you know that working with SYN in ten years.. you can actually retired RICH! ( I need the definination of rich ?.. please do sense my sarcasm here..) DAMn! Actually even talking about it PISSED ME OFF!
And the fact this two fella actually tried to hide on the MLM thingy! ISh... what a SLICK! Damn!!
Those ppl who really knows me... I can't stand all this! I can't even sit still in the first place... and being caught in this SHIT is terrible.
Luckily, Grace called to the rescue. The JPG ( Janelle, Penny and Grace) rescued me. I sneak out half way during the talk and went for good Old MacD! Had a wonderful Happy Meal with lotsa wonderful amusing chats.
Saturday, November 18
Me, myself and I
Every single time when I told people that I am single.. they will start giving me lectures on r/ships... singledom... opportunity... blah blah blah and the list just go on and on.
Even my mum started on me now. I can't even imagine that... 10 years ago, my parents actually forbid guys even to ring up my house. Damn... now a decade later, my mum was questioning me and worried about my future.
I just don't get it....
Not that I wanted to be single in the first place! Shit happens!
I can't say I am enjoying being single.. but hell! If the sparks and the butterflies feeling aren't there... why bother? I won't and forbid myself to settle for anything less.
So for now.. I am happy being with myself. Just until the right one comes along...
Thursday, November 16
To Petra Church members and families
I am sorry to hear that Raymond passed away. It is really hard to put into words the feeling I have now but I strongly believe that Raymond will be deeply missed; he touched so many of our lives.
To all Petra Church members :
Wednesday, November 15
The receiver's anger
Started out badly... dahlah tak cukup tidur ( nearly every single day !! ), plus never am a morning person.
ArggHhHHhhhh.... am damn fucking tired of this year... Just wish to end it ASAP. I am SO ready for the next journey of life.
I am in a desperate need of change. I can't stand stagnant at a place too long! ArgHhhhHh......Just not my day!
I know life aint all smooth sailing... not at all.. Just like a person in a deep tank full of water. Can't breath... grasping for air.. continuosly struggling..the more you struggle and the more you try to catch your breath to sustain it.
Well.. on the bright side, at least I might add that nothing could be much worse than it already is.
Tuesday, November 14
Monday, November 13
Photo taking
Oh well... I realized how close I am towards the uncertainty on where I should be heading. ArgghHhh.. Life is confusing enough.. and here I am, near to a point where decision need to be weighed and justify. YuCks! Hate it when I need to make such decisions. I tot the longer I drag.. the final decision will eventually come to mind. Guess not this time round...
Anyway after the talk, we gathered and took some photos. Guess wat I learned?
There is a certain angle in photo taking so that your face would not look 'big'. The trick is to turn your face a lil to your either right or left ( depends which left/right of the face is prettier ). A certain degree of angle... instead of looking straight ahead to the camera.
Thanks to Simpson and Angel for the tips... KEkEkKEke.
Picture taken on Thurs... BeBe's Bday. Her dear frens made a 'Miss World" for her to wear in class... can't help to take pix with her (:D) My only chance to get near with Miss World.
Pei Ying and me in the library.. waiting to get into the next class
Ps. both pix was taken with the face facing straight to the camera.
NOW... for the NEW slanted angle of photo taking....
Picture taken with the slanted/diff angle of the face while eyes focusing on the camera.
The same old bunch of friends... we are q-ing up for the photo taking session. The photos will be in our alumni e-photos and posted on our convocation day.
So... angled or straight face pix better??
If only there are other stuff that can transform from AA size to D size at such cheap price.
Friday, November 10
Ways to turn down guys
Got this from a fowarded mail.
Dedicated to women in need of some laughs and men who may appreciate good humor.
HE : Can I buy you a drink?
SHE : Actually I'd rather have the money.
HE : I'm a photographer. I've been looking for a face like yours.
SHE : I'm a plastic surgeon. I've been looking for a face like yours.
HE : Hi. Didn't we go on a date once? Or was it twice?
SHE : Must've been once. I never make the same mistake twice.
HE : How did you get to be so beautiful?
SHE : I must've been given your share.
HE : Will you go out with me this Saturday?
SHE : Sorry. I'm having a headache this weekend.
HE : Your face must turn a few heads.
SHE : And your face must turn a few stomachs.
HE : Go on ,don't be shy. Ask me out.
SHE : Okay, get out.
HE : I think I could make you very happy.
SHE : Why? Are you leaving?
HE : What would you say if I asked you to marry me?
SHE : Nothing. I can't talk and laugh at the same time.
HE : Can I have your name?
SHE : Why? Don't you already have one?
HE : Shall we go see a movie?
SHE : I've already seen it.
HE : Where have you been all my life?
SHE : Hiding from you.
HE : Haven't I seen you some place before?
SHE : Yes. That's why I don't go there anymore.
HE : Is this seat empty?
SHE : Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.
HE : So, what do you do for a living?
SHE : I'm a female impersonator.
HE : Hey baby, what's your sign?
SHE : Do not enter.
HE : Your body is like a temple.
SHE : Sorry, there are no services today.
HE : If I could see you naked, I'd die happy.
SHE : If I saw you naked, I'd probably die laughing.
Wednesday, November 8
Cool Drummer
Check this out... esp on the last bit. Totally Awesome!!
Got it from Kenny and Gavin. Thanks Dudes!
Tuesday, November 7
Truth is simple. The memory of truth always stays in your mind eventhough it may be hidden or tangled up somewhere.
Guess.. I'll just continue lying... Ha! Just hope I remembered the lie I told when ask again in the future.
What's the lie?? Its no biggie at all. Hahaa...Though secret it is ..for now but behold! as will let it out... hmm.. probably sometime end of this year. *WiCkedd*
Ish! Should be studying. Mid term is here. Oh well... this will be my LAST mid term exams.
Ta for now...
(come to think of it, I like to blog most during the exam time... I wonder why?)
Monday, November 6
Campaign (Post 2)
We all rush to Uni early morning, as there is a trial-run to be done. Our supervisor, Ameer Joshua was there to assist and give comments.
(The rehearsal was supposingly done one day before the actual day, unfortunately, we are not ready)
When we arrive not long, the trial begun. Mr Ameer Joshua was sitted behind and evaluate out rehearsal. Usherers (am one of them) was in a big hoo-haa. We do not know where to stand... who to present.. it was all so confusing. The sockets went loose on the PA system. All sorts of stuff went wrong. The MC were nervous.. etc etc. Nothing could be done.. We got a bad evaluation by the supervisor esp since the rehearsal was only an hour or so away fr the actual one. The trial run really was a big mess.
All of us started to get tense up and worried.
Oh well, that was in the beginning.
It actually turn out pretty well in the end. The usherers din really mess up ( I hope not.. since I am one of them ). The PA system din let us down. Everything went rather smoothly. The audience... THEY CAME... loads of them... more than we expected esp since our campaign was held on a Saturday on the holiday week ( Deepavali and Hari Raya ).
Oh... our campaign ambassador, Gary Yap came as well as the 8Team gang. All thanks to Simpson, he is the one organizing all this. Cool eh? Gary sang 2 songs... Oh.. there is this cool kid from Irene's church who also sang a few songs during the interval. I must add that his voice is damn COOL and DEEP.HhEhhe... and he is only 15!!! (Gavin, beware *HEhE* meet your competitor ).
The 8 Team bunch was fun... giving out loads of freebies such as mags, car stickers etc. We also manage to give out loads of gifts and prizes during the lucky draw session (one night at Genting, tickets to Genting Theme Park, 3 months subscription for Cleo, Nuskin products, CDs that worth RM2000...etc etc).
I was totally shagged out after the campaign.. not getting any younger. I slept like a pig once I got home after everything was over.
Got a call later fr Bin to hang out. Hey! It's Saturday. S'more , Gavin, Alan, Amy, San and loads more are they.

Sunday, November 5
Campaign (Post 1)
The reason of having this campaign is to fulfill the audience with the knowledge of World Hunger with the help of World Vision Malaysia. This campaign aim to let the audiences of the event to learn about World Hunger; its causes, effects, and what we as individuals can do to lend a helping hand.
The campaign was on 28 October.
This campaign was held due to our coursework assignment in our final year subject, "PR campaign". I must say I had work with a bunch of wonderful team mates and had an amazing time. Of course, there's ups and downs during the preparation of the campaign... that's why its call team work, eh? Anyway the lil weenie dispute that happen now and then is also because of wanting the campaign to be a success. So what the heck!... we all had a good time and its an experience, lastly it did went well. A big round of applause to all of us in the team... esp to the leaders. *HUGs*

(From right, clockwise; Irene, me, Simpson and Kuan mei)
Picture taken before the start of Press Conference
Before the press conference, discussion at the music coordinating section
In preparation of the campaign, the message dedication, where the audience can stick their msgs ( From left; Irene, Hon Lim, Mun Wai, and Siew Kee)

The Cutting and Pasting session for the exhibition booth ( providing information to the audiences)

Sen Yau doing the final backdrop
Thursday, October 26
Books and Cds
He was the only cousin that I am close with. Reason being... we just 'CliCk'.
He suddenly brought up the subject why can't I borrow books to his sis. Obviously, we ended up in this big discussion that goes no where... which in the first place, his sister din even wanted to borrow my books. I, personally, think that Sen Hau just wanna brought it up for fun... and make my adrenalin perk up a lil... well it did !
It's not that I do not like to borrow books to people. It's just everytime when I DO... I will in the end regret it.
I remembered once, Tracy borrowed a book of mine, by Jemima J., I totally lurve that book. Oh well... to my horror, she returned a dried up book ( it really look like 'ham choy' to me).
She brought along the book to read in one of her flight. Unluckily, she forgotten to tighten up her bottle of water and eventually her whole cabin bag was wet, which include my book.
The thing is.. she dared to return the exact same book to me. HUH!! Oh well.. let bygones be bygones... I was not really mad at her but instead, I just keep a reminder to myself "NO NEXT TIME". Friendship is always first before a book, eh?
Anyway, there must be a few things that a person treasure most.... it might not be really expensive but just... because.. you treasure it.
There is another thing to... I learnt.. not to borrow CD's. A big N-O ( I also learnt my lesson well.. on quite a few occasions). What's the problem?? Can't they burn it and just return it. It's nothing personal... it's just my CD's!!
So that's it.. I love my books and my music. What's wrong with that!
Oh! In the end, guess who wins... HIM! He manage to con me to borrow my watch.
I met up with him yesterday for K-ok, he even told me he wore it to work. The nerves he got... *Sigh* (I wonder when does metrosexuality really kicks in... Guys! starting to wear female watches).
Wednesday, October 25
Was browsing on the web, this very poem caught my attention. I think its beautiful.
It was taken from a forum by Dances with Chainsaws, 04-16-2003, 02:31 PM
Tuesday, October 24
As my mini iPod went kaput on me.. *sIgh*, I finally decided to get another new one.
I went to MacAsia.. only to find out that I need to deposit in advance to secure my iPod.
The fella says "it's high in demand". Of coz it is! if you ordered like one or two iPod each time the container is here.
So here I am unwillingly but in-need of my iPod deposited RM200 and the wait... minimum 2 weeks. ... WhY Oh Why...
Blood and Flesh
My mum and I went to visit her fren at Kelana Jaya today and head home around 10pm.
I was driving back home using LDP.
Coming near to the bridge at the OneU, this blardy black Waja, which was on the left lane speed up suddenly and cut into my lane.
I din notice there is a dead animal lying on the left lane... I guess the blardy black Waja tried to escape the path BUT obViousLy miss IT! In the end, the poor animal tumbled along with the wheels while the Waja cut into my lane.
TO MY HORROR, the blood and a few chuck of flesh splash to my left side of my car and my front screen.
Believe me, It Was Gross.
It never occur to me that I will ever knock a dog down while I was driving.
I even thought that if it really really ever happen, I will need to become vegetarian for one whole year or oh well, or half a year. I really love dogs. I will never be able to forgive myself if it ever happens.
But never once I thought that this very incident will happen. The blood and flesh of a dead dog ON my CAR.
Lucky thing, my dad was here. He helped on the clean up. I can't even look at it.. I nearly puke.
Thursday, October 19
This is sorta like our last campaign as this will be our final smester and then we will be free!!
I was at my frens place the whole day today to do the backdrop of our campaign.
Obviously I need food.. as all the energy wasted on the cutting and painting.
Anyway... I sure am lucky to food. Not long after we started, my stomach is growling and grumbling. Obviously, I am hungry!! Grace offered to cook Maggi Mee. How can I not refuse! Especially someone will be cooking it!
Naturally the maggi mee is YummY.. I finish of the tea time with a COLD can of COKE!
It's drizzling during evening, so I decided to stay longer as the traffic will be quite bad plus the work seems like never ending.
Evening means DINNER TIME!!!!
I was worried bout my dinner.. later, Penny and Janelle invited me to had dinner with them. HehEHe.. and yet again... How could I not refuse!!! Adding to that happy news, Grace sis - Joyce who is cooking dinner at their unit cooked SouPy as well... and I LuRRVvEEee SoUp. Knowing that, my dear grace prepared us one big bowl of soup!!
Well.. yummy or not! hehe... the picture will do justice on it!!!
A simple meal.. with full satisfaction and appreciation.
THanKS!! *HUgs* to Grace, Penny and Janelle.
Monday, October 16
Alass... I manage to finish my thesis on time.
Rushing the work and sqeezing it from a six months work to one week is one hell of a hectic and stressful assignment.
Well.. I am fReEEe as a bird... *SmILZ*
Of Coz, it would not last... the campaign is coming up and blah blah blah.
Anyway..celebrated Penny's bday last Friday.. my only outing during my rushing-thesis week. Reluctant to go at first due to the thesis ( freaking Out.. as I may not be able to finish on time) .. but on HIGH request from our birthday gal.
EhEEHhe... anyway.... how could I not go... we PlAyEd 'Frog.... JuMp... Jump...'.
We arrive the place kinda late... hehe.. we need to guy cake. And we waited for half an hour for a place to sit. We arrive at the buka puasa time ( wronG Timing ).
No matter wat.. we had a good time.. despite the waiting.. and I had 'SaNg Har Mee'. KEkKEkeEke.....
Anyway, photo time...
Monday, October 9
Back to class
Oh well, the witch is still teaching us this semester. Sorry.. no offense or anything.. I just don't really like her although she teaches pretty well... but I still can't stand her voices and her naggings. *UrGgHhhh....*
Worse is that my supposing thesis on the final draft is way due the dateline. I can't even face up to my supervisor. I am the laziest among the group. I am rite now struggling to get it done as I will have to pass up the whole final thesis on the 16 Oct. Which means I have no outings till then. I will be stuck at home day and nite to finish it.. worse.. her standard is pretty high. Oh well.. I dun really have any high hopes on this thesis already... but still keeping my fingers cross.
Sunday, October 8
The terrible fight
A fight I do not even wanna mention it in detail.
Wat is worth mentioning is the fact I finally manage to find solace from someone who is very special to me.
( Thanks for being there... for just being there... )
Saturday, October 7
Cheng Har
Right after I am back in KL,
I head down to Johor.
Cheng Har is getting married!!!!!!
Her hubbie’s family is in Segamat, which eventually means that the bridesmaids need to wake up very very very extremely early.
Cheng Har’s message to everyone of us “Be at my place at 5.15 am ok? Yeah I know it’s very early NO NEXT TIME ok ;) muaks ”.
I woke up at 4.15AM! Rushing to Cheng Har’s place on time so that we won’t be late especially before the groom arrive.
Of course, Cheng Har looks amazing.
After all the games and the tea drink ceremony, we head down to Segamat. It took around 3 hours or more to arrive there. It should be a shorter time frame but as there is quite a number of cars traveling together so we could arrive at the groom’s place together. Oh, it’s not that Cheng Har is marrying over there… just that CK’s parents are there and the dinner too. CK live in Puchong. *pHEw*
Gosh, I must say that it is tremendously hot .. the haze made a major contribution to that. When we arrive at CK’s place, we pretty tired already. I was, matter of fact, rather grumpy and easily agitated. I blame it on the heat and the early wake up. I definitely am not a morning person and it drag on till the afternoon.
Finally manage to head on to the so-called best hotel in Segamat to rest before the wedding dinner. It’s a total horror. Never before I seen such a room. It’s a total horror. Even the B&B I stayed in London a couple of years ago seems fantastic compared to this.
San, Eliza, Ai Lee, Gavin and I immediately decided we won’t stay for the night and will drive back home straight after the dinner. Reminding each other we will stay SOBER through out the dinner.
The dinner was alright until the Karaoke started. WoHoooOO… that really reach my limit. My headache began after a few songs. I can’t wait to head back.
Thanks to San, Eliza, Ai Lee and Gavin. They’ve been a gem especially when my headache started to kick in
Managed to get back home around 2am and slept like a PIG.
Ha… wat I learned is to keep reminding my close friends never to get married so far away AND not to get married so early in the morning.
Final note, I am really happy for Cheng Har. She deserves the very best and she found him. I’ve known Cheng Har for 6 years. She is really a great gal and I am really glad that she had finally found her love and ready to start another new journey of her life.
My Hugs and Kisses to both of them.
Ps. Pic later.
Thursday, October 5
Hols to an end
My last book I read during the holiday was 'My Bestfriend's girl'.
Can't resist to take some pictures while I was there...
Wednesday, October 4
Intrigued by the story.
This girl died in car crash. Thinking her life would come to an end. But instead, she found out that dying just get her into another new beginning.
She was shifted to a place called Elsewhere. It is exactly like earth but instead of getting older ( on earth ), people gets younger. In example, a person who died at the age of 50 will arrive Elsewhere at the same age he/she dies on earth. He/she will get younger instead of getting older until turning to a baby and get reincarnated back to earth.
This book is about hope, redemption and re-birth.
Tuesday, September 26
I happen to read two books which the story narrate around the Italy grounds.
Of course, when the stories are conjured around Italy, naturally along comes romance and food!
The first book was by Anthony Capella, The Food of Love.
As spell out from the title, this book is about food and love. It is definitely a good light reading. The books gives you craving for Italian food. It gives a good description on the scent, spices and the taste that I almost can savor it in the room. Every single detail is perfectly describe especially on the food FOR love. I took the liberty to copied a para or two from the book :
When the chef, Bruno explaning to his friend, Tommaso, on food for loves or lust….
“ Because to make someone horny and to make someone fall in love are two very different things… To make someone horny, certainly is harder but not impossible. Seafood, of course has aphrodisiac qualities. Molluscsm too, snails in oil and garlic. Perhaps some carciofioni - baby artichokes cooked with mint, pulled apart with the fingers and dipped in soft, melted butter. Wine, obviously. And then, to finish , a burst of sugar something light but artificial, so that you feel full of energy and happiness…
If you wanted someone to fall in love with you, you would cook them something very different, something perfectly simple but intense. Something that shows you understand their very soul.. You’d have to really know the person concerned: their history; their background; whether they are raw or defined, dry or oily…”.
Am now currently reading the second book by Penelope Green, When in Rome.
A story by an Australian who gave up her job and went Italy to find herself, where she speak no Italian, no friends and nowhere to live with a fair dash of bravery. Just gotten to page 41…
Thursday, September 21
Holiday Break
I picked the book off my shelf and started reading.
I finished it a couple of days ago.
I must say this book is all in all entertaining but highly overrated and it definitely did not stop me grabbing the second book. *WiNk*
Tuesday, September 19
Daddy Bday
I make it a point to stay in Ipoh especially I was not with him last year.
Nope.. I din get him any it's just a card and my presence.
The card have loads of meaning though.. HEhEhe... saying that I have the best dad in the world and my luck having him as my dad.. is the best gift ever bestowed upon me.
He was busy with work the whole day ( he din even have time to have breakie with me... *SObZ*).
Anyway when he and mummy was back home, we sat and have a good talk and then head out for dinner (Kor and Hooi Ling is in Beijing), so just the three of us. We did have a wonderful dinner. We talked and laugh and talk and laugh.
We din even manage to finish the bottle of wine. Ish.. 3 of us!! ME!!! could not even finish the bottle of wine. Weird eh?
Oh well, the dinner is good.. but would be better if my kor, his wife and Shao Yi to join in. It would be marvellous then. A whole family... but hey.. there is always some other time.
Ps. My dad is the BEST dad in the whole wide world.. but then again.. it's very subjective.. He IS but only to me.. and no others.. oh well.... my kor too * SmILZ*
Monday, September 18
I PASS!!!!!!!
The result I have been waiting for!!
Seriously, it is such a relieve.. the feeling is better then getting an 'A' than any other subject.
Never had it cross my mind that I will manage to get a 'D'.
Oh well... the worse is that I have another paper marked by the same lecturer and the result is not out yet.
I waited and waited during the weekend. Hoping the marks will be out asap. I don't like the waiting part.
I just wanna know what I got.. a pass or a 'D' or 'F'.
I have been login in and out of the intranet countless times. And there is still no result. I hate the waiting.. It's long and pressured.
Tuesday, September 12
Night by Elie Wiesel
I randomly picked up a book to read before I head to bed.
It turns out I stayed wide awake after I finish the book
It’s a rather thin book in but rich in content.
It really bothered me and put me deep in thoughts after the read.
I was really disturb by the read but yet the total truth.
It manage to portray the horror of the holocaust itself. A total powerful book that one will engross in. The fear and the line between life and death is profusely overwhelming.
Sunday, September 10
I seriously do not understand why Carrie do not want Aidan.
He is just the perfect guy. He is practically what everyone called as a good catch.
He is helpful, fun, down to earth.... Carrie's friend love him... so much more... the list goes on and on. He is definitely JUST the EXACT kind of guy for me.
I was watching until the episode he proposed to Carrie and I stop.
I could not brave myself up to face the truth that they eventually broke up.
I could not.
I am still in the imaginary world. I always like happy ending. If the truth is out there in the next few episodes that both of them will eventually break up.. I would refuse to continue the series and let me be in my fantasy world that they WILL end up together.
Guess the truth is that one would not face the truth and in the end, blur themselve up. Build a cocoon around them so they will not face another reality of life or even get hurt again.
The point is... why bother to continue when you can have a perfect ending of your own... the one that you project it to be.
Saturday, September 9
Booze Substitute
Try having 6 consecutive days of less then 5 hours of sleep a day and constantly having your eyes to stay focus on reading and oh yes, frequent hands movement aka writing.
Believe me... it's a good substitute.
As on the early morning on the 7th day period, you will find out that you really need to use both hands to drive the car on a straight road, your eyes feels swollen with an eye bag that could practically stuffed with cotton.
Then suddenly you realize that your response towards your stimulus is slow... or rather , it does not tally to the beat.
You lost interest in everything and all you can think of a good night sleep.
Worst part is when finally you can have a short deep breath and get yourself the sleep, your eye lid refuse to close and your mind refuse to log off.
There... isn't it a substitute.
Damn... I need the SLEEP!
PS. 6 out and 1 more to go.
Friday, September 8
Frodo - New Style!!
Taking this opportunity to show the difference since he was 3-4 months old till now.