Tuesday, October 19



Finally painted the clouds as I promised on the previous blog.

Monday, October 11


Rain Rain Go Away, Come again another day...

It's been raining for days. The days are so gloomy and sad.

Not forgetting the flood at my backyard.

Tuesday, October 5


I have no idea when I started to like cats.

I am always a dog person... and never a cat. I guess it's because of my neighbour when I am staying at Newdegate Street. They have one big greyish black fat cat. Absolutely stern looking cat. He was often seen wandering around the townhouse. I always see him nearby. He likes to stare at people too, like observing what you are doing for a long time and suddenly turn his head and just leave with no turning back. I think that's what cat does. I slowly began to take notice of his way abouts. Wondering if I will see him today. Will he be at my backyard staring at me watching tv.

I am fond of him without realizing it. I kinda miss the cat now.

I wanted a cat.

Monday, October 4

Poppies with warm bright colors


Poppies with cold colors



Gosh! etsy.com is the most amazing site ever created. :D It's trully my favorite spot in the web. :D

There are millions of paintings that are wonderful and unique. Each paintings have their very own style and moods that is screaming out to reach us.

It is best to learn painting from them.:D
I remember from my art class that the best way to learn is to learn from others. You will learn to discover their composition, their techniques as you paint as according to theirs... your mind started to work as them when painting. :D

My theme for last week painting is poppies. I grab hold of two paintings that caught my eye and started to follow their style of painting.

This week theme will be c-l-o-u-d-s.

Sunday, October 3

Sunday Arvo Sketch


I am listening to Faye Wong. She is always and will remain my best favorite female singer. :D

The CD was right in front of me. :D My hands grabbed the pencil and started.

Just Simply sketching away at my desk while watching anime :D Woot Woot!!

Saturday, October 2

Sukiyaki - Ue wo muite arukou - Kyu Sakamoto


This song came into my mind... :D It really trully is a great song.

My reason of resuming back my blog


I got an iMac.

A valid reason for me to blog. :D Gosh.. It's absolutely amazing with the functions and the screen of apple that one could find. It's user friendly and beautifully crafted!! It is to die for!

I need to fully utilize it! So here I am back again.. to the blogging world.

Salute to Apple!!

Friday, October 1

Sketchingg.... Sketch

It's one of those evening...

Did I mention I do not like the twilight time.. neither dark nor bright. It just draws me down. So I decided to draw. At least it will divert my mind to something.

Another sketch..

ps. I use some camera effects when taking the photo :D