I have been working in Menz for nearly a year. It's time to leave.
I had a great time there... actually. Weighing out, the pros are so much more then the cons of working there. It's been great with the colleagues. I had the opportunity to organize exhibits internationally in Hanoi, HoChiMinh, Shanghai and ChungChing alone. It was in total a wonderful experience that I had. My work in meeting agents, organizing the marketin stuff for the company was alright.
I think the best thing that happen there is knowing a bunch of great people there.
Vid was the best. He offered me his place for my lodging. He was great in every way a friend can be. Yun's frequent tea break walks to get sausage rolls. Seeing Sun at the javascript:void(0)tram station and getting home together after work. Occasional tease and gossips.I love grabbing a hot cuppa coffee before heading to work.. taking the tram...walks.. jogs at Albert Park... (I can go on forever).
All the small things adds up in the end. I always feel that it's the small things that makes the difference in life.
:D Melbourne is always a great city to be in :D My time in Melbourne will be greatly treasured.