Sunday, April 27
How to be a GOOD house guest
1- Settle on a time frame
2- Avoid surprises
3- Offer a house gift
4- Commit the perfect crime in the bathroom
5- Contribute
6- Defer to your hosts
7- Don't be a big disruption
8- Be cool
9- Respect the house
10- Say thank you
For more info:
There. The norm rules that everyone should follow. I think what they forgotten to add, which is the MOST important is : Come only when invited. If not, at least try get yourself invited.
Mind you, uninvited guest is really annoying. Worse is when they call to ask "if" they can come into your house, when they are "literally" infront of your house. SO why bother calling.
Don't get me wrong. I love in-house dinners and parties with friends as long as I invited them to come. Surprise drop by's is also fine by me but unwanted and overstayed guests can sometimes be rather annoying. Worst will be when guest frequented and showing up the house every weekend as if treating the house as a 'weekend sanctuary' is bit way too much.
Gosh. It just happen.
ps. this does not apply to family members
Saturday, April 26
Me, Eli and San
*Peace* and *Smile*
I got the photo from Eliza a few days ago. The photo was taken during Jacqui's wedding in January this year. I miss hanging out with SanSan And Eli so so much. I din get the chance to spend as much time as I wanted with them. So am keeping my fingers cross that they will come to Australia end of this year.
*Fingers Crossing*
Wednesday, April 23
Assignment Nightmare
The e-mail mentioned that I "technically" plagarised on my essay but taking into consideration it's not intentional and more towards carelessness and mis-quoted. He initially wanted to see me on Tuesday which he canceled the class due to some accident along the way to uni. He is willing to let me re-submit my assignment next week with the correct citations and such.
I, of course, was rather sad and rather moody the whole day. I keep on wondering what and how I manage to plagarised so terribly and was my paper that bad. I was already having such headache on this course and this worsen the matter. This course is rather art and literature base as its under the School of English, Media Studies and Art History. I am kinda struggling to get into all the literature base reads.
As told by the lecturer, I downloaded their Assignment Style sheet (which I should done earlier) and read it. Only to realise what a mistake I made. While I was doing my assignment, I documented all the quotes and citation using Harvard Style. It was definitely wrong. The School have their own guidelines on presentation of assignments. The School use MLA style which is totally different.
I am so ignorant and careless. My degree is allocated to various schools and each school have different styles of referencing. I totally did not check on this school and just assume it's Harvard Style they use. The MLA required more detail quotes and style differently and all sort of other details.
I am now rather glad the lecturer give me another chance to re-do my wrong. At least I understand how careless I am without loosing unecessary marks. Nonetheless, that does not mean I did well on the assignment and I fully understand what this course is about.
*SighZ* I can't wait to get finish and done with this course. I should not take it in the first place. I was being 'seduced' by the assesment as there is a 15% for attendance and participation on class. I was like, Good! that should do it but Heck NO. I was conned. I never knew this course was THIS difficult.
Tuesday, April 22
Missing Assignment
This is really something I drag to happen. AND IT DID.
There is one particular subject that I am struggling to understand. My course subject is Ideology, Media and Culture. I finish one assignment of the subject and have no idea what’s this subject is all about.
I am kinda eager to get the result so I could proceed to the next assignment on the same course which is due next week. The second assignment is rather related to the first one. The first assignment is on Discourses and the second is on Discourses and Media with certain issues ( I dun wanna go too detailed on it.. it will drag on and on). Anyway, it’s rather vital for me to know how I did on the first assignment so I will know that I sorta understand the subject and I am able comprehend it correctly.
The assignment and results finally can be collected in the office today. My assignment is NOT there. F***. It’s NOT there.
To make things worse, the lecturer met an accident today. He was suppose to have tutorial with us and was canceled. Last week, he was sick and all the classes were canceled. It’s like there are loads of mishaps or cosmic conspiracy in this course. I e-mailed him straightaway and hoping he will reply me asap. But heck, he has a twisted ankle and knee. I wonder if he will check his email? *Keeping my fingers cross on this one*
Which means it could only be:
- My assignment was lost after marking the paper and on the way to the office.
- My assignment was lost before marking the paper (this will be hell).
- My assignment was WAY too bad and needed to be on HOLD so he could see me directly and discuss (Arghh!).
- My assignment was sent to check if there is any plagiarism in my essay and was caught and I will be exile from UQ.
I hate this kinda thing. I am coming out with possibilities. Heck, this proof how worried I am. I am supposed to spend time on my assignments and here I am typing away on the blog.
Where is my fucking assignment? How am I being able to be at EASE and remain CALM? HOW?
Monday, April 21
Alone at 170
The guys went out for their Badminton Games. Their game starts at 9.30 till 11pm. They are really getting the Badminton Craze. They are always 'ONs' in Badminton which I will never get to know why even. I don't wanna know either, understanding guys is a difficult task that I don't wanna get myself into.
Anyway, here I am alone in the room. Frankly, I dislike being alone at home at night, which is not very frequent. When I am alone, I refrain going out from my warm cozy room and stuck myself infront of my lappie.
Here I am, trying to get someone to msn with. I can't. I can't find someone who will just keep me 'company' when I am doing my assignment. Seriously, I hate being alone at home at night, even a msn chat to accompany will do. I scroll down the list in my Msn Messenger. I have 34 contacts who is online currently and there is no one that I can actually ask for their 'companionship' online. How bazaar is that? I need someone who I can rely and chat that I dun even need to worry too much on my messenging and rather concentrate on my journal readings for my assignment.
Where is Piggie, Where is SanSan, Where is Bin, Where is HooiLing, Where is Penny, Where is Janelle, Where is Grace, Where is Shirley, Where is Jesse, Where is Kmei, Where is Jasmine, Where is ....
Oops.. Penny is online now. She is here to save the day. *Hugzz*
Ciao. Need to continue with my journal reads with Penny's "company".
Friday, April 18
I got a surprise.
A pot and a small packet of seeds.
Oh well, this will be my fist potted plant that I seeded myself. A proud one. Oh, I have no idea what the plant is. It's a surprise. So I'll keep update on what flower it will turn out to be.
I never knew I had it in me, cooking and planting. I guess it's because I am too bored over here. But Hey! Look at the outcome: I cook and I garden.
Tuesday, April 15
Sunday, April 13
Down Memory Lane
Cyndi was my team girl in SQ. We were team girls for two years during my flying years. She was in Brisbane two weeks ago. We manage to meet up for the afternoon while she was here.
We were somewhat close to each other. We use to bunk in alot and had some pretty crazy time (drinking and all sorts). Frankly, she did not change much. She is still the Cyndi I knew. She is still flying and still shop like crazy.
I caught up with the lotsa new news of my ex-team mates. The updated information of our groups, what's hip and happening in the gossip column in SQ. Mind you, Cyndi is sometimes quite bitchy and do look bit bitchy too (although she is real nice once you get to know her... just don't step on her tail... it will be pretty ugly...). She knows the ups and downs around SQ. She was my gateway to gossips in SQ last time. Keke. We also talked about the past. Gosh, she do have pretty good memory. There are some stuff I pratically forgotten and we did have a couple of good laughs reminicing about the past.
Somehow I do miss the flying years. After we hugged and said goodbye, I head back. I can't help but wondered what I will become if I am still flying? Have I changed alot since then?
One thing for sure, I am damn glad I moved on...

Photo taken using PC camera in Hilton Hotel, 25 Mar 08
Of coz, I can't help it and always like to ask friends to come over and had steamboat especially since its getting colder this few days.
We had a blast. The food was good, the people is great and most important, everyone is having a good time. After the steamboat, we had Ice Cream with home-made choc cake for dessert (nah, I din manage to get any steamboat pix, too carried away eating... as usual...).
We continue the night with some normal games such as Connect Four and Jenga with a bit of liqour and lots of laughter.
Saturday, April 12
The End Is Just The Beginning
I wanna mark this day. CKL got married this very day. Not to me. Heck no.
How I felt?
I was rather emo when I heard the news but frankly I got over it. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be. My heart broked and healed ages ago. I couldn't forget the past to face a new future with him. I chosen my path and never regretted my rejection on his request before I started my new life here.
And I am glad I did.
I guess his marriage with the gal just put a finalization of the 'what if?'. A total closure. Period.
Tuesday, April 8
Green Tea
The weather is getting cold. I can't help it and start sipping on something hot. Green Tea is my solution.
It's just that I found out that Green Tea do contain caffiene though lesser then coffee. Yes, there are like millions of goodness drinking Green Tea. Weighing the odds I will continue my cuppa. O.. I have craving for this particular biscuit, been eating it day in and out. I got it from one of the Korean Store. It's yummy to the tummy especially good to nibble on it with a good book. Haha.. This is good. I have eaten loads. A box a day.
Obviously, most of you all would not believe my cooking eh! MuahHaha..
Anyway, to keep you updated I am cooking today.
Dinner Menu:
- Lotus, peanut with pork soup
- Salmon with Teriyaki Sauce
- Greens with carrots
The weather is getting colder by day. The weather itself is quite unpredictable with cloudy sky and cold wind. I was rather reluctant to cycle around the city due to the cold wind and bad clouds. Nah! I dun wana get caught in the rain.
Yey! I manage to finish a couple of assignments YEY!!!
Sunday, April 6
I wish them well and all the happiness in the world.
Although I wish to have that courage. The courage to commit to another person for a lifetime. The courage to face the future. I do not just mean the commitment to another person, even a thing, a pet or even a property. I think I have commitment phobia, if there is such thing. I cannot bind myself to something that is serious. Looking at my life, there is not a single thing that I can commit for long. I got scared. I withdraw. Leaving me hanging there... just following where the wind blows me.
I willing commit my duty as a filial daughter. I have no doubt on my parents neverending love to me. I am willing to commit to my family. The only thing that I would give the world for them.
I wonder when will I have to courage to commit. An act of adulthood that I refrain myself to engage myself in. What was my problem? Where does the problem started?
I just love to live free... living in my fantasy world.
Thursday, April 3
My Cooking
Ha.. want more proof? I'll try to take more pix before I manage to resist to eat it.
ps. drop your glasses leh??