I finally manage to meet up with Aunty and Uncle.
They are in town! Yup. Aunty and Uncle is Hooiling's parents. I do not know how to call them so just aunty and uncle. Of Coz... they are no ordinary uncle or aunty.
They arrive Brisbane a couple of days later than me. We wanted to meet up sooner but their grandson decide to arrive into our world earlier then expected :D
His name is YiiShuin.

On Sunday, I went to KokKeong korkor house in Sunnybank. I was late as there is a previous engagement. Need to head out to Logan to an outdoor park outing in the morning.
I am really happy to see aunty and uncle :D They both seems well and healthy as usual. The house is full of people. Hurray!! I do get bored here somtimes.
Aunty cook LOADS OF FOOD! HAhA.. I practically eat non-stop during my whole duration there. I was so full but I still can't help to eat.
Food : Fried BiHun, Nasi kunyit, Curry Chicken, Pork Stew,
Belacan, Mix Vege, Fried Ginger Chix, Fried noodles.
The crowd was fun too.There are more than 15 ppl and most of them from Malaysia. Most of the time, I played with the children. We played hide and seek, drawing, gardening, fights and killing. Haha...
TWINS!! Emma and Peterson
Yii Hern :D KokKeong's elder son
Only later during the evening (after another heavy meal) , KokKeong korkor decided to begin to play blackjack. Just for fun...So around 10 of us (uncle included) played along. Maximum bet is $2. We started of with BlackJack until KokKeong korkor taught us a game call "Deng" . A game common in the north part of Malaysia and in Thailand. It was good fun! HAha... much much better than blackjack :D.
Had a good fun :D
Oh. wanted to note down : I made potato salad and bake a cake on Saturday!! CoOlz!