Tuesday, July 31
Old Movies
Can't help but to fall in love with all those old movies. I need to confess, mostly starred by Audrey Hepburn. She is definitely a lady, a class of it's own.
I rented those old dvds... fallen in love with all these love comedy. Why can't they do it like in the old days. Gosh! They are just exquisite and charming, both the characters and the movie.
Haha.. Fetish in old, black and white movies.
Hmm... I watched:
- Paris, When It Sizzles
- Sabrina
- Funny Face
- Love in the Afternoon
I've yet to see "Breakfast at Tifanny's" though. It is always out of rent. *GgRrRrrrr*
Oh.. there is one more that I really need to mention is "It's a Wonderful Life".

It's a Wonderful Life is produced and directed by Frank Capra,based on the short story, "The Greatest Gift" written by Philip Van Doreb Stern.
Although not an Oscar winner at the time it has been since named by the American Film Institute as one of the best films ever made and was placed number one on the AFI's 100 Years and ...100 Cheers list of the most inspirational American films of all time.
Er.. I can't really say that it is 'tat' inspirational. All I can say that that it definitely is a good movie and life is trullu wonderful :D
Saturday, July 28
SouthBank Stroll
Long Awaited Meal
O.. and two more.. I forgot to take picture. Agedashi tofu and black sesame ice cream.
First week of classes

Wondering if they all miss me too??
Monday, July 23
Too public for kisses
Today is my first day of class. The class was suppose to end at 7pm. The lecturer let us of early. (I wanted to blog on my first day of class stuff... but HeCK! I wanted to blog on this more, so please do read on).
Hurrying-ly, I went to the main bus stop. Obviously I need to wait for the bus. I popped my headphones and get my book out for a read. I can't help but noticing the couple in front of me SNUGGLING and KISSING. I was not really offended watsoever by it. Gosh! Everyone have their own right to do whatever they want. I just continue on with my read.
Once on bus, it's rather crowded. I was pushed all the way back. I took a sit and listen to my iPod. I can't read anymore as reading during the ride makes me drowsy.
There was a couple in front of me. Yup! Another couple. They are again snuggling, cuddling, hugging, kissing and FRENCH kissing. NoW! I can't take that. I was bored in the bus and my eyes keep wandering around. Plus there is not much place I can look at as I am sitting at aisle sit and the bus is really packed! Conclusion, their affectionate love act drew my attention.
I was like constantly counting on their number of kisses or pecks. There are like 1 peck in every 15 seconds and the french kiss can last for like 15 seconds.
GOSH! hElLO! I am still fresh from Malaysia. It was not even allowed to hold hands for muslims in Malaysia (non-married), let alone a teeny hug!! I just arrive here 2 weeks. I can't take it. It was like too upclose and personal. GosH! Get a room!!!
Oops... the couple? One of them are asian, the other ABC. I think.
Harry Potter?? War Price??
I checked my yahoomail today. My yahoomail is usually for junk mail. I click into Inbox and browse through several spam mails. As HarryPotter is currently now the 'hit' thingy now, a mail from MPH caught my eye with the title of "HarryPotter and the Deathly Hallow"( I am in their mailing list).
I clicked it. I was rather surprise to read that they stop their sales for this long awaited book.
Copied along here:
With effective from 21 July 2007, Harry Potter 7 will not be available for sale in all MPH outlets nationwide in Malaysia.
We will honour the sale to customers who have pre-booked. The book can be collected from the shops from 21 July 2007 onwards.
All activities related to the launch of HP7 in the above stores have been cancelled.
We apologise for the cancellation of the activities and any inconvenience caused. Any queries with regards to this book, please refer directly to the sole distributor in Malaysia
Penguin Books Malaysia Lot 2 Jalan 215Off Jalan Templer 46050 Petaling JayaTel: 03-7782 0466 Fax: 03-7784 1739
From the managements of:MPH BOOKSTORES (M)SDN BHD
I straight away search on the net to find out why.
Interested to know why??
Click here :
MPH, Popular, Times and Harris bookstores, these 4 major bookstore in Malaysia have decided to withdraw the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows novel from their shelves in protest against Tesco and Carrefour's move in selling the novel at a much cheaper price of RM69.90. The retail price of the book is RM109.90
As a consumer or a reader, OfCOz! Watever the cheapest will do me fine. HahA. I think the bookstore have their reason to ban the sales once and for all. I do understand the un-fairness. But Heck! The same quality, the same content with a much cheaper price wins~!!
Er. No. I paid Aus$19.95 plus the earlier pre-order of $10. So I did not buy it cheap. I have a free cuddly white owl though. It is some sorta promotion item when you prebook it earlier.
Err No. No. Have not start the read just yet. Will start once I am finish with my current book.
Choices and fear
I am not a good choice maker at all. Esp on my future.
I am not a plannereither . Not at all. Everyone knows that I am the last minute kinda person. I messy and blur.
I can't but I should.
When one is left with choices. Too many to choose from. Options. Crossroads. It becomes confuse.
I am changing my program. I was frustrated for a couple of days.
I head to consult to the student advisor. I need advise. I realize no matter what, the decision is mine to choose.
As quoted by Alfred A. Montapert "Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choice". Decisions is difficult. Which ever decisions is made, I will have to bare the consequences of it.
The due date is today.
I am still lost. Should I be more focus on my field or should I varied. Will I end up becoming a joker of all sorts and a master of none?
Sighz. I am afraid.
I am afraid of the path that I need to chose (in due time) will affect my path. Or will it not? I think the fear is a good sign. It will draw my attention and be more wise in making the final decision. As the saying goes, only a fool is not afraid. Me no fool :P
At least I do know and will understand is that, once my decision is made, is confirmed and chosed. I will stick to it. I will face the consequences and perhaps nag a little or perhaps be gloomy about it a little. I will defeinitely own up and understand that watever it is. There is no one and anything that I could blame and the outcome of it... is my own responsibilty.
(at least, I am not a loser on that :P)
Sunday, July 22
A market weekend

Cute and pretty, ain't she eh!? My lil dear niece, Shao Yi
The top that I bought for her...
Saturday, July 21
Harry Potter : The final book
The official release of the long awaited book.
Aussie's release is 0901 hrs ( the same time on London time, 0001 hours).
NO! I din queue up for the release. D.U.H.!!
I did past through the bookstore in the city as I was heading out to the market at 9.20am. I just live one block away from Borders. Oh well, the queue was long. The queue was up to the building that I stay in. So it was roughly 150 m queue. The people q-ing come from various age group. I can't help myself but to drive around the block to have another closer. There are quite a number of kids who dress up for the ocassion. *HeHeHE* Harry's glasses. Griffidor uniform. The broom. And loads more.
I eventually head to the market.
I cam back to the city around 2pm after running the errands. I went to Borders. The long q has died down. I went in to the bookstore. I realize there is indeed a queue. I was still anticipating on the ending. I waited in line for a rough 20 minutes. I already pre-order the book earlier before the release date. Once I was at the cashier doing payment, I can't help myself but to turn to the last page.
No worries!Chill!! I won't be the spoiler. I won't unleash the awaited ending in this blog. Not yet though.
What I wanted to say it's not really the ending that I was hoping for. But then again, I will still need to read through the whole book to find out the reason why!!
It is just me. I have this habit of the need to know the ending.
Oh no. I have not started the book yet. I am still halfway reading "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'engle. It's highly recommended, although it's for interme. Hey! HarryPotter is the same thing eh!
Who says adult need to read only adult books :P
Tuesday, July 17
Parcel - arrived!
I got worried back there. My beauty care products, my lingerie, my jackets and pants PLUS two of my favorite bags are in it. Dun you get conned by the size. It actually weighed 24.5kg. The max is 25 kg in the size. Wat I did back in M'sia before packing all my cloths in. I vaccumed it. I bought this vacumable-easystorage-bag. I put all the heavy cloths in and suck all the air out before packing it :D Cool-eh!!
HEhEhe... I can't help it but to rejoice! HUREAAaaaYYy!!!
I unpack quickly and set my stuff straight for my easy usage! MuahhAHHAhAHa KUDOS to that.
O. I bought flowers to decorate the place I am staying as well.
YupYup!!! I bought a bunch. It's a beauty. ME Likey TuLiPs. MuahAha.... I think the picture will do the justice of it. Rather then me describing the beauty and the chirpiness it brings to me everyday. It just brightens up the day a bit more. Dun you agree?
Second day - O
I was L.O.S.T.
According the the program, I am suppose to head to "Getting Started" at the Union Centre. I arrive there and just follow blindly with the rest of the people around. I head down to a hall. I figure that since that is the most people head and all do look 'fresh'.
Well.. I went in to the hall. The first session was on the culture shock rap. I was half asleep back there. After more then half an hour, only did I realize that I actually went to the wrong place. The session I attended was "Welcoming the International Student" session. I was suppose to go to another session on 'Getting Started' at the same time but different location.
I really needed to attend the session so I know.. err.. how to get started!! Sighz..and I miss it. Due to my negligence and my dupidity. ArGhhh...
*DuPid BLuR me*
Anyway, I continue and stayed there until the end of the session. I head to the library as I wanted to get my student ID ( as stated in the guide). After a long queue, only then I realized that I need to enrol first and will take at least 24 hours to activate the Student ID card. So there you go. The NuTtIe Me.
Oh, I met a few of Malaysians while I am at the Union Centre. They are from a Christian Club. HMmmMm... :D CooLz! We manage to exchange no. and chat a bit :D Haha.. I am still in contact with the outside world.
I finally get a cup of flat white at Merlos. *ME LiKey* and head to School of Social Science. I can't help and take a picture on the way there.
I went to Michie Building and ask for consultation in order to choose my subjects correctly. After getting information from the counselor I left Uni for the day.
I seriously hope that I am not that blur. Sighz. I miss my unimates. Utar is so much easier.
DHL = Damn Hell Lazy
Rather send it over then buy all over, rite! It cost saving and environment frenly :P
The problem is that I STILL DO NOT HAVE THE PARCEL YET!! They said it just needs two working days! F***!!!
I purposely arrive early to KL on my departure day to Brissie to send the parcel that I pack to DHL. I calculated the time and hopefully to get in latest on Friday in Brisbane. Heck! It's already Monday. I did not have it yet.
I've been making loads of calls to DHL Brisbane. All I can get is different recievers and all they told me it is under custom clearance. etc.etc.etc. Sighz. There seem to be some extra charges being made for the personal items sent fr M'sia to Aus. I dun fucking give a damn about that. I just want then to hasten the process. I serioulsy need the stuff. I mean seriously, I NEED THE PARCEL.
I do not know why they are so slow in all this. They do not even bother to call. Instead of me calling them again and again. I wonder is this the service of DHL?
Monday, July 16
First day Orientation

Taken in June 2007, Janelle came down fr Singapore and kinda our group outing before I head DownUnder
Who will help me with my assignments, who will inform me about my dued homework, who will remind me on the exams, who will let me copy their notes, who will help me with my Mword, who will ring me up and wake me up to class. Who will photostat the notes for me, who will cover up and sign my attendants, who will help me out with my thesis, who will back me up, who will let me copy their test papers, WHO WHO WHO!!!
Yikes, I now wonder wat I did during my 3 years in uni. Sometimes I wonder how I manage to graduate.
I AM DOOMED without them. Of coz! Not forgetting Kuan Mei, Jasmine and Simpson. Oh Irene too.
Taken in 2006, finishing some assignment at my place. Oh! Frodo is here too

Thursday, July 12
I was back in Ipoh for a few days. It’s not enough.
It is only when I am back in Ipoh I only felt the reluctance to leave.
I will definitely miss my family the most. Their full support, their never-ending support. Their love. Their care.

I already missed them before I even left.
I left Ipoh and went straight to KL on the day of departure.
My whole family sent me off. N-O-P-E! I din cry at all.
The journey to Brisbane was a terrible one.
As I only book the tix last minute plus its peak season. I only manage to get Qantas flight. That only means I have to change terminal in Singapore. *Sighz* I took a train in Changi Airport T2 to T1, have a queue up to recheck-in for Sin-Bne. Ate alone. Lucky thing, my beloved iPod was there to accompany me :D
Tried drinking. Does not work. Ended restless.
Once arrive in Brissie, I notice there are 4 plane that also just arrive not long ago. Imagine the queue! One on immigration and another on custom. The queue was so LONG!!! ARggHhh… I was drowsy due to the lack of sleep. The queue was freaking long. I only manage to get out from the airport after 2 and ½ hours.
I slept the whole day once arrive.
Tuesday, July 10
The departure
Hopefully for the best.
It's been a year... its still haunting me now and then.
But then again, the heartache should come to an end.
Somethings are a wee bit too late. Somethings can't be turn back. Somethings aren't suppose to be left to fate. Somethings perhaps is best left unsaid.
I need to move on and I did.
I am glad I stick with it.
I am now ready to start... to take a turn in life.
Thursday, July 5
ELizA Bday
ChinHar and I celebrated Eli's birthday at Hartamas. We head to a Korean BBQ Restaurant. It's kinda busy for a weekday.
We celebrated eli's birthday with BBQ pork wrap, Korean style PoPiah and some Soup base noodle. HEhE... Finishing off with ICE CREAM CAKE!! HahAHah!
I just wanna wish Eli HapPy HaPpy Birthday!! Hope all her wishes come true.
Muakz and Kisses

Wednesday, July 4
Not so much of a Farewell note to my friends
I will be leaving to Aussie on the 10 July. I will be furthering my studies in Social Science for 1 & 1/2 years.
It's my honor to have you throughout all this years in KL and Ipoh. It will never be that spectacular without you. I will treasure the moments we shared and cherish the laughter we gaged on and on.
I have been through alot this few years over in KL. The Ups and Downs,I believed, have made a better 'me'. I had now trully begin to understand what is pain, what is tears, what is laughter, what is sorrow and what is happiness. I learned, I fall and get back up. I laughed, I cheered, I treasured and kept in heart. I just wanted to say that having you as my friend made it all so much easier.
This is not a goodbye. I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thanks for being in my life. I thank you for being you!
I hope that distance would not be a barrier to continue this precious friendship. Do keep in touch.
Hugs And Kisses
I have to shift everything from KL back to Ipoh. And pack again to Aussie... *heLP*
Gosh! Basically I have stayed in KL for around 3 and 1/2 years. The stuff that I collected does not seem so. My packing is never ending. One by one... each and everything gives me headache.
My snowglobe.. to start of with, I do not know how can I transfer them back to Ipoh. I have to say goodbye to my books. I need to pack it all up and list it all down into Word Document. My Dvd player, my mini TV, my radio. Last but not leasts, MY CLOTHS!! It's never ending. My amenities, my beautycare products.. the list go on and on.
I decided to send a few parcels to Australia. I decided that I better make full use of what I have right now rather than buying it over again. Might as well utilize what I have rather than buying it all over again.
I am leaving on 10 July. One more week to go. I have not pack. My room in KL is in a mess. I have not yet got the opportunity to say goodbye to all my friends (Correction: not goodbye, it's definitely not a goodbye. It's 'see you soon'). I still need to spend time with my parents and yet I am stuck in packing.
Argghhhh!!I HAVE ENOUGH OF BUYING! The packing is damn scary. It really gives me headache.
For the thrill of buying and shopping, there is always a fallback.
I've enough of buying. Errr... Except for the BIG COOL bag that I have been eyeing.. *KekKe*