Saturday, June 30

Reservation for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, anyone??

I guess everyone is anticipating for the final Harry Potter including myself...

I had it reserved months ago at Borders, The Curve so I can read it asap.
(Hey...I really wanted to know if Harry will die or not :P and Lord Voldemort too)

I guess I won't be able to collect it since I will be away.
I will have to give up my deposit for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
I have paid RM30 for that.

So if anyone wanted it, do let me know.
Gimme a call or drop me an e-mail.


Tuesday, June 26

My first day after ME

Gosh! I woke up at 7.30 in the MORNING!!!

After three months of waking up early every weekday... I finally am so used to it.

I slept early the night before around eleven. I really did try to sleep late but my eye lids keep on dropping. I went to Eliza's place for dinner. My dear Eliza cooked Fried Rice! *YuUmY* I think she is the blame for my sleepiness. The fried rice is super yummy and I ate loads. As I believe, a full tummy, makes everyone sleepy. I doze off straight after my shower.

SO there I woke up at 7.30!! while forcing myself back to sleep. I actually lied on my bed till 10am. Amazingly.

Once woke up. I organize my whole day. I got loads to prepare for my leaving to DownUnder.
  • I went Bangsar for my glasses and contact lenses ( need to stock up - daily and 2 weeks disposable)
  • Went to withdraw cash * MuAkz *
  • Went to Cosway for lunch and buy stationary
  • Went for medical check up * fInAlly!!*
  • Head to KLCC (bought a waist pouch :D)
  • Drove to Ikea (need storage boxes)
  • Stop by Curve (get my daddy a toiletry bag)
There!! I was finally back home at 6pm.

I miss doing errands during weekdays. I MISS IT!!
I miss stopping by for coffee with San in the afternoon weekdays.
I miss the non-crowds in shopping malls in weekdays.

Everything goes smoothly today. No complications whatsoever. I miss doing errands on weekdays. Seriously!

Yet I kinda feel uneasy. I sorta miss ME too.


ps. Hey! I am starting to blog again :D

After ME

Yup! I quit my job.

Worked in Marcus Evans for exactly 3 months. Gosh! How time flies.
In total, I have enjoyed my three months there.

The people in it are great :D especially my team. They are the only reason I can wake up everyday at 6.45 am. Hugs to Bern, Cindy, Am Mee, Kelly, Peng Pheng and Esther.

Oh well, the Korean and Philippine producer are the best to worked with too. They are amazing and their full support made my job so much easier... particularly with the language barrier ( I don't speak korean, mind you).

Not forgetting the out of office activities. *kEkE* I have not been blogging much since I started work. Whatever time I have left usually will be allocated for sleep.

I will miss them all. Thankfully there is Skype, Msn and friendster. *Phew* Will definitely keep in touch.

It's a great 3 months.

Well... alas.. my reason of resigning is that I finally decided to made my decision. It's finalized. I am pursuing my master in Australia. My whole course will take one and a half year.

It's a rather last minute decision but I think it is for the best.

Left the office with a *sighz* yet anticipating with the new future at 6.15 pm.

Tuesday, June 5


Basically, I am still in office. I should not be posting blogs. Wat the heck! Here I am! I dun give a damn. I have not been blogging for quite some time dy.

Kinda busy. Just too tired to blog. Need to catch up on it though.


Some of my colleagues. We went for BBQ but the rain started. Ended up in the condo having the food and drinks *CoolZ*