Sometimes somethings is best left unattended, it's for the best.
Bittersweet ending.
No closure necessary. Period.
Wednesday, January 31
Tuesday, January 30
The Quote
Who says that watching tv shows are a waste of time!
No doubt about the fact that I am so engross with Grey's Anatomy. It's really mind blowing. Ha!! Yup.. the 'Nazi' is real ass-kicker! She got the UmMph. Her sarcasm.. GosSH! Me LiKEY!!!
Oh well, what did really happen was that it really kick into me about some stuff. One of the episode ( I forgot which one ), Meredith did her usual voice over in the beginning of the episode quoted a very, very useful statement.
It totally struck me! Real Hard!!
I was really terrified. I was so in my comfort zone. I have been taking my own sweet time to look for jobs. I obviously had not been looking hard enough. Frankly, I have actually loads to do! There is an essay that I need to write, some questions that needed to be answered, some mails to post for application and more job search that I could have done... and I did NoTHinG!
I am just lazy! Hey!! worse... this time round.. there is no deadlines. I am not a student anymore.. no deadlines for assignments. No one to pressure me... and hell let loose. I LAZE! Seriously, I need to boost up my own initiative ( which I am seriously lacking of ).
Guess what did? GREY'S ANATOMY!!
I will start tomorrow! Yeah... I know it's contradicting to the quote, but Hey! I got a night out today. So, literally speaking, I am not free today, which means I have to leave it for tmrw!! So I'll start tomorrow... and N-O! I won't watch the show until I finish what I am suppose to do.
No doubt about the fact that I am so engross with Grey's Anatomy. It's really mind blowing. Ha!! Yup.. the 'Nazi' is real ass-kicker! She got the UmMph. Her sarcasm.. GosSH! Me LiKEY!!!
Oh well, what did really happen was that it really kick into me about some stuff. One of the episode ( I forgot which one ), Meredith did her usual voice over in the beginning of the episode quoted a very, very useful statement.
The quote by Benjamin Franklin, " Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today".
It totally struck me! Real Hard!!
I was really terrified. I was so in my comfort zone. I have been taking my own sweet time to look for jobs. I obviously had not been looking hard enough. Frankly, I have actually loads to do! There is an essay that I need to write, some questions that needed to be answered, some mails to post for application and more job search that I could have done... and I did NoTHinG!
I am just lazy! Hey!! worse... this time round.. there is no deadlines. I am not a student anymore.. no deadlines for assignments. No one to pressure me... and hell let loose. I LAZE! Seriously, I need to boost up my own initiative ( which I am seriously lacking of ).
Guess what did? GREY'S ANATOMY!!
I will start tomorrow! Yeah... I know it's contradicting to the quote, but Hey! I got a night out today. So, literally speaking, I am not free today, which means I have to leave it for tmrw!! So I'll start tomorrow... and N-O! I won't watch the show until I finish what I am suppose to do.
The Genting & Raub trip
Had a great time. Thanks to everyone esp to Penny!! HUGS
Taken right before the 3D thingy.
The Lesbians!! HaAhah
Another Post of the bunch
The bus ride to Raub ( Penny's hometown)
Waiting at the bus stop
How's our post?? Haha..
Okay.. this is the only photo that have connections with FOOD. I really tried to take pix of the DEliCIouS food we ate this trip. But.. What THe Heck.. am always hungry and always wanted second helping. My hands are BUSY.. no pic could be taken.
Monday, January 29
Grey's Anatomy

Yup.. Grey's Anatomy
Ha... I know.. it's been out AgeS ago and I just started my first episode on the first season. You know what!?
It's FanTasTiCO!!!!!!
I mean.. I think Everyone would agree, right??
Okay.. gotta rush. Episode 2 coming righttttttttt up!
Sunday, January 28
I started to look for jobs now.. I mean, naturally, since I graduated. I suppose it's the next thing to do. That is unless, I get married to a rich husband with 10 maids and a nanny so I can start my share in the heirloom and then.. just play mahjong till I am old.
So.. anyway, back to the real world. I F***ing hate it. The interviews, the never ending of filling up forms, the waiting, the questions, the anticipating... and it goes on and on.
Worse still.. the pay!!! Not to mention the ANNUAL LEAVE!!!
DAmn!! Cmon!! The pay already is way way too lil. How can I survive!! Not to mention on the Leave!! How can I go for holidays!! HOW!!! 14 days of annual leave.. Gosh!!
One interviewer told me to expect myself working monday till friday, fr like 9.30 am till 10pm for more then half a year. DAMN!! I am still single... how am I gonna get any DATES!! ( not that I have any now ) but STILL!! It's so unfair!!!
Gosh!! How am I gonna survive with that WEENY pay and the LIL offdays!!!
*SLaP* ( waking myself up )
Life is cruel.. but then.... what's life without any obstacles. Maybe it will turn out alright. I am really keeping my fingers cross here. I really hope I'll manage to find a suitable job for me.
Still jobless.. but looking bright.
Life is, actually, rather sweet. Just how you wanna see it!
HUGZ and KiSses
So.. anyway, back to the real world. I F***ing hate it. The interviews, the never ending of filling up forms, the waiting, the questions, the anticipating... and it goes on and on.
Worse still.. the pay!!! Not to mention the ANNUAL LEAVE!!!
DAmn!! Cmon!! The pay already is way way too lil. How can I survive!! Not to mention on the Leave!! How can I go for holidays!! HOW!!! 14 days of annual leave.. Gosh!!
One interviewer told me to expect myself working monday till friday, fr like 9.30 am till 10pm for more then half a year. DAMN!! I am still single... how am I gonna get any DATES!! ( not that I have any now ) but STILL!! It's so unfair!!!
Gosh!! How am I gonna survive with that WEENY pay and the LIL offdays!!!
*SLaP* ( waking myself up )
Life is cruel.. but then.... what's life without any obstacles. Maybe it will turn out alright. I am really keeping my fingers cross here. I really hope I'll manage to find a suitable job for me.
Still jobless.. but looking bright.
Life is, actually, rather sweet. Just how you wanna see it!
HUGZ and KiSses
Thursday, January 25
A GOodDay It WAS!!!!
Had an AmaZinG and WondeRfUL day yesterday.
It's just that its been quite awhile since I had so much laughter.. so carefree and what the heck.. I can be myself.. TOTALLY.
I went to my dad's office late in the morning to help out and then head out for lunch with my Form six classmates. We had an amazing time. We chat and chat.. will late in the evening. It's just superb. I miss them so much... Kuan Yee happily married with 2 healthy and lovely kids, Mee Yee and her beloved, Sher Phy.. there is so much to catch up on.
Later that nite, I met with Bin and gang. This is kinda a new place in Ipoh. The wine bar is pretty cool. I really like the environment there.. not too loud.. good atmosphere.. and guess what.. girls and wine!! We had a blast.. talking aoubt babies to marriage and last but not least, SEX! HAhA.. It's been quite some time since I such a good day!
AND I have not even finish yet... the CALL!! The call I have been waiting for my job application. The one that I am hoping them to call.. DID call! HeHE.. had a brief interview on the phone. HuREaay.. I'll be off to KL tmrw for the InterView!!!
WIsh Me LUck!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh boy.. wat a good day I had yesterday.. that is, I do not count on the the lack of sleep. I was awake until 5am. I could not sleep awake.. Luckily to end my day, Shirley, my dear old pal, was online.. we manage to chat until 3 or 4am. I was getting bit cranky in the head by then.. but just could not sleep .. not even a WINK!!!Oh well.. for such an amazing and wonderful day.. hehe.. I dun MInd!! Not at all.
HUGZ and KisSes...
Had an AmaZinG and WondeRfUL day yesterday.
It's just that its been quite awhile since I had so much laughter.. so carefree and what the heck.. I can be myself.. TOTALLY.
I went to my dad's office late in the morning to help out and then head out for lunch with my Form six classmates. We had an amazing time. We chat and chat.. will late in the evening. It's just superb. I miss them so much... Kuan Yee happily married with 2 healthy and lovely kids, Mee Yee and her beloved, Sher Phy.. there is so much to catch up on.
Later that nite, I met with Bin and gang. This is kinda a new place in Ipoh. The wine bar is pretty cool. I really like the environment there.. not too loud.. good atmosphere.. and guess what.. girls and wine!! We had a blast.. talking aoubt babies to marriage and last but not least, SEX! HAhA.. It's been quite some time since I such a good day!
AND I have not even finish yet... the CALL!! The call I have been waiting for my job application. The one that I am hoping them to call.. DID call! HeHE.. had a brief interview on the phone. HuREaay.. I'll be off to KL tmrw for the InterView!!!
WIsh Me LUck!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh boy.. wat a good day I had yesterday.. that is, I do not count on the the lack of sleep. I was awake until 5am. I could not sleep awake.. Luckily to end my day, Shirley, my dear old pal, was online.. we manage to chat until 3 or 4am. I was getting bit cranky in the head by then.. but just could not sleep .. not even a WINK!!!Oh well.. for such an amazing and wonderful day.. hehe.. I dun MInd!! Not at all.
HUGZ and KisSes...
Thursday, January 18
What a bother... I forgot to bring my batt charger for my camera. As this trip is kinda unplan. Anyway... I did manage to get some photos taken. HEhe.
Cameron is COOL! HhEhe.. I enjoyed my trip this time round.. I wonder when will be the next time there.. another 10 years later??
Photos taken halfway up Cameron.. do not have any idea wat's the name of the fall.
ps. I never knew that waterfall is call 'poopoo'. According to JPG it's known to all.. that waterfall is call 'poopoo'. ( am scratching my head here... Tough Eh? )

What a bother... I forgot to bring my batt charger for my camera. As this trip is kinda unplan. Anyway... I did manage to get some photos taken. HEhe.
Cameron is COOL! HhEhe.. I enjoyed my trip this time round.. I wonder when will be the next time there.. another 10 years later??
Photos taken halfway up Cameron.. do not have any idea wat's the name of the fall.
ps. I never knew that waterfall is call 'poopoo'. According to JPG it's known to all.. that waterfall is call 'poopoo'. ( am scratching my head here... Tough Eh? )
Went to gym today. Yeap... finally! Have not work out for like a month.
Yet AGAIN! I forgot to bring a padlock for the locker. Seriously, I do not know why the gym I go give the customers such a hard time. We just wanted to work out.
I dun even shower there ( find it kinda dirty.. anyway my rack is like nearby, why do I need to shower there... when I can shower in my own private toilet). So practically the locker is just for my handbag and nothing else!
So practically, everytime I'll need to buy a new padlock at the counter. Damn! It cost like RM10. I mean... it's just a lame cheat. I mean... I am sure there are loads of people who forgot to bring the padlocks along to the gym. So they must be making quite a lot of at the booth there.
To those who is gonna sign up for gym... please.. check out those inconvenienced that would cause you unecessary nuisance!!
The work out is not that satisfying either. Ish.. there is this LOud and AnNOying gal who apparently works there ( She's new.. have not seen her around). She was WAY WAY loud.. and her pretentious slang! Gosh.. I can't stand her. I was working out at the far corner and I could actually heard her talking with another gal, despite the music PLUS my iPod was tune to the loudest. Should I complain to the managment? Hmmm...
Nah.. my coming back to the gym is not a good welcome though my body needs the exercise. Chinese New Year is coming... that means plenty of food!! HAhA..
Yet AGAIN! I forgot to bring a padlock for the locker. Seriously, I do not know why the gym I go give the customers such a hard time. We just wanted to work out.
I dun even shower there ( find it kinda dirty.. anyway my rack is like nearby, why do I need to shower there... when I can shower in my own private toilet). So practically the locker is just for my handbag and nothing else!
So practically, everytime I'll need to buy a new padlock at the counter. Damn! It cost like RM10. I mean... it's just a lame cheat. I mean... I am sure there are loads of people who forgot to bring the padlocks along to the gym. So they must be making quite a lot of at the booth there.
To those who is gonna sign up for gym... please.. check out those inconvenienced that would cause you unecessary nuisance!!
The work out is not that satisfying either. Ish.. there is this LOud and AnNOying gal who apparently works there ( She's new.. have not seen her around). She was WAY WAY loud.. and her pretentious slang! Gosh.. I can't stand her. I was working out at the far corner and I could actually heard her talking with another gal, despite the music PLUS my iPod was tune to the loudest. Should I complain to the managment? Hmmm...
Nah.. my coming back to the gym is not a good welcome though my body needs the exercise. Chinese New Year is coming... that means plenty of food!! HAhA..
Saturday, January 13
Tourguide in Ipoh
Back from HongKong... catch a cold... Now back in Ipoh.
It's getting more and more hectic.. I can't even find time for my own! I have not been reading for quite some time now... hmm... and tomorrow I'll be going to Cameron Highlands!! YEY!! I have not been to Cameron for a long, long time.
The reason I'm back Ipoh is basically because of my mum's long time frens, where they did their nursing courses back in London, are in town. We brought them around and suggested to go Cameron for the weekend... esp I have not been there.. Hmm.. should be fun.
I have not been updating my blog.. hehe.. the Raub and Genting trip, the HK trip and etc etc.. So I might as well just post the most recent once eh ?!
Nahhh.. have not even start looking for job just yet. Refuse to face the reality. Am still having a good time... and hopefully I will get to go Taiwan next week ( or issit the following week?) with my dad for his business trip, while me and mum will be a leisure one... keeping my fingers cross.
Kay... pic time...less words and more visuals.
We are at a showhouse in Sunway Ipoh. My dad bought a house there.. and wanna show Uncle Robert the design and stuff ( they bought a summer house in Setiawan.. still under renovation and wanted to get more ideas ). From left : my mum, Aunty Pee Lee, her daughter (Ai Ling ), Aunty Eileen and me...O!That is Uncle Robert back there
It's getting more and more hectic.. I can't even find time for my own! I have not been reading for quite some time now... hmm... and tomorrow I'll be going to Cameron Highlands!! YEY!! I have not been to Cameron for a long, long time.
The reason I'm back Ipoh is basically because of my mum's long time frens, where they did their nursing courses back in London, are in town. We brought them around and suggested to go Cameron for the weekend... esp I have not been there.. Hmm.. should be fun.
I have not been updating my blog.. hehe.. the Raub and Genting trip, the HK trip and etc etc.. So I might as well just post the most recent once eh ?!
Nahhh.. have not even start looking for job just yet. Refuse to face the reality. Am still having a good time... and hopefully I will get to go Taiwan next week ( or issit the following week?) with my dad for his business trip, while me and mum will be a leisure one... keeping my fingers cross.
Kay... pic time...less words and more visuals.
We are at a showhouse in Sunway Ipoh. My dad bought a house there.. and wanna show Uncle Robert the design and stuff ( they bought a summer house in Setiawan.. still under renovation and wanted to get more ideas ). From left : my mum, Aunty Pee Lee, her daughter (Ai Ling ), Aunty Eileen and me...O!That is Uncle Robert back there
(My dad is the camera man).
OO.. Aunty PeeLee from Melbourne and Aunty Eileen from Derbyshire, UK.
OO.. Aunty PeeLee from Melbourne and Aunty Eileen from Derbyshire, UK.
This is us... posing at the garden... haha.. sorta walking on the water... Ai Ling is a real fun! hAHahA
My mum and Ai Ling posing in one of the famous caves in Ipoh...Kek Lok Tong cave!
The three good old long time frens.. chatting at the garden outside the cave
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