Saturday, December 23
FReeEEee as A Bird... and busy like a Bee... Nah! Not for the Honey... but for the FUN!
I went Genting and Raub with my dear classmates. The trip was amazing and lotsa Funs!!!
After that trip, I went back Ipoh with a bad sore throat with an ulcer on the throat... *sIgh*
Head back to KL, bring Shirley, Erik and Gustav around KL ( Gustav first time to Asia ).
Tag along to Singapore with my parents to see the Flower Exhibition in Suntec City and shop around ... HAhah... got my First Mulberry bag there!! HurrRaY!!
And here I am... Still not finish yet!! Xmas is coming... New Year is Coming.. HongKong is coming... and maybe Aussie too!!
MuaHAhHAhHAhahahaha... Life is a blizz.
Friday, December 8
Catching up with the Zaa Zaa Szu feeling
I met up with my dearest friend... FInaLly!!!
I miSsed Her SO So SooOo very very MUCH!!!!
Gosh! I am so keen to see her... on my way to OneU, I actually had the Zaa ZaA SzU! You know, the butterflies feeling in the stomach when you are anxious or extremely exited... and I thought it could only happen to .. err... such as first dates, interviews, blah blah blah.... but definitely NOT with best friend!!
(mind you, I have not seen her more than two years or less )
Ha... ! Shirley oh! Shirley! Beautiful and stunning as ever... that's my Shirley.
We talked and talked and talked. Arghh.. there is endless catching up to do. She talks about her life, gossips, etc etc. I talked about mine... suddenly, I felt so shallow. I wonder, what the hell have I been doing this past 3 years. *sIgh* I felt that I learned nothing, gained nothing, experienced nothing.. worse... I find myself worthless.
Yucks! BrbRrrrrrrr.... *Shake my head*
Anyway, the meet up was a short one. She'll be heading to BKK for a couple of days and till then!!! YEy!!!! I will be totally hers!
Terrible! My last paper is on tmrw! YuckS! I am not even prepared.. Damn!!!
Tuesday, December 5
I was browsing on my hp's photos ( Yup... wat ever excuses I can get so that I would not need to study ).
The reason me blogging this post is dedicated totally to JPG. Those three lil bugger had totally perk up my life.. especially this year. HehEh.. I had lots of fun and laughter with them. I wonder what would my uni life be without them...*EeKss* Give me the cold shivers even thinking about it.
Firstly, they will always keep me inform with all the going-ons in class. I am blur in uni.. never know what's going on, whether class been canceled or whether my library books are way overdue, and esp on the notes that was past around to class. The most important, helping me to sign the attendance. Gosh, I would not even be able to graduate this year with the amount of classes I skipped if not for them!
Oh well.. the list will go on and on.
Other then that, hehe... there is always my temper that they need to deal with. Sorry ler... I know sometimes, or rather 'MOST' of the time, my temper is really unbearable and the JPG can still take it with total patience. Thanks a million. HuGs and MuaKz!!! You guys the Best... Luv Ya!
There are many more... but this one is worth mentioning, the number of time we went out for YumChar!!! HAHAhHA.. the talks, the stupidness, the lame jokes, the simply nothings... etcetc make it A billion Somethings.
We will be graduating soon. Each and everyone will be heading seperate ways. Fear not, I am sure we will have a pact or sumthing... and will continue the stupidness, laughter, the lame jokes, the gossips till god knows when.
Hehe.. The latest photos we took... ( Si Penny do not wanna gimme her photos we took .. ishiSh.. so just mine this time round... on playing Uno Stack )
Which reminds me, before meeting them up for drinks, I was with Gavin at Souled Out. Guess who I bump into? Jasmine and gang! ( Celebrating Jasmine's 21st Bday... Oh Boy, I do feel oh-so 'young')
*ShUcks* Tmrw is our first final paper.. totally not prepared and I am here blogging all this..
PS. Luv you all
Monday, December 4
Alive..Dying.. Dead... RIP
Yupyup... I am still doing my quizes... Argghh.. help!!!!
Addiction... Lame excuse, aint it? Plus.. can't say that I am having fun! Just that I just refraining myself to KNACK my brains out in Miss Alagu's notes.
Quiz... essss
There is nothing much to do... other then....QuiZ TimEE!!! RRinnnGGGGGGgg...
Had not done this for quite some time!
You Are 40% Left Brained, 60% Right Brained |
The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet. The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. |
Your Personality Cluster is Extraverted Intuition |
You are: A true wordsmith - a master of words Original, spontaneous, and a true inspiration Highly energetic, up for any challenge Entertaining and engaging, both to friends and strangers |
You Were a Mouse |
You quietly examine life's lessons and see multiple meanings in things. You are also good at discovering details and remaining in the background. |
HA! This one... the vital Quiz!!that some of my dear friends need to have careful consideration sitting in my drive ! haHAhahA..
( Gaeng mei?? *kEkEke* )
You Failed Your Driver's Test |
You only got 2/10 correct. If you have a driver's license, it needs to be revoked! |
Friday, December 1
Middle Readers
I think I should rephrase... children's books for middle readers! Yey!!
I was browsing on a catalogue and I am amazed! I was caught up with the storyline and the synopsis of those children's book. It actually interest me more than those adult books!
Ha.. I dun care.. children read, infant read, elder read, adult read, etc etc.. as long as I am intrigued with the reading.. who cares!
Gotten myself some children books... (supposed age : 8-12 )
Oh... I did get two 'adult' books too... (mind you.. the two covers are totally diff from what I get in Borders... the ones posted is way much nicer)

Oh well.. this is one series that I really wish to get... Ha! Can't wait... ___________________
Yup... I am back in KL.
Farnee... I was kinda reluctanct to come back KL when I started to get use to Ipoh.. and vice versa. Guess the love and hate btn two places is a mystery to me, myself.
Feeling rather restless once back in KL again... go figure with the books I bought today. Drove back with a terrible mood and decided to spend the afternoon in Borders!
I guess... only books can perk my mood up. Ha!! And IT DID!!!
ps. Books as in BOOKS ( not Text-Books )
pss. Exams next week... my two final paper... studied? N.O.